Harry Potter

Jul 24, 2007 11:38

I just finished. I had originally planned to finish it as quickly as possible but then I realized that this is the last book. There was no more books after this and after being a fan for so long I wanted to enjoy the book and take my time (luckily I didn't get spoiled)

Since a lot of people have been talking about Harry Potter fandom I have to admit I was never involved. But that was simply because I never needed to be. Unlike any of the other things I am into Harry Potter is the one thing that I have many friends in RL who also love the series. I never needed to seek someone to discuss the series with because well they are everywhere.

Harry Potter is not my absolute favorite thing ever but I enjoyed the series all the way through. So yes I am a little sad that it is over. No more midnight releases, no more speculations, it's a little sad.

Well first comes first I didn't actually think the defeat of Voldemort was anything that exciting (although I did like that Harry was the final Hocrux) but I have to admit I wasn't expecting much in this regard so I wasn't disappointed. For me the whole Harry VS Voldemort thing was the least thing I was interested in. Instead it was all about the characters and in that sense I did think JK Rowling delivered.

I was a little disappointed that Ron and Hermione didn't do as much towards the end but I loved how Ron came back and saved Harry.

I loved Neville killing Nagini (Neville is awesome).

I loved how Luna had pictures of all her friends in her room. Aww Luna!

I loved how we saw that Dumbledore wasn't so perfect. Although I think this came a little too late honestly.

I loved the changes in Kreacher, Malfoy and Dudley

I loved Mrs. Weasley protecting her family and Percy coming back to his senses.

I loved that Lupin named Harry the godfather of his son (makes things feel full circle).

I hated how Fred died (that was the worst death in my opinion. Well that and Hedwig's). But thank god Harry/Hermione/Ron survived. I could take any death but theirs.

I also loved that the final battle was at Hogwarts. I missed it throughout the entire book.

There were a lot of things I loved so I could go on and on. However my favorite part of the book was definitely Snape's revelation. I was always one of those Snape supporters so even though this might have been a little predictable I still think it was the best chapter in the book. I was a little sad that Harry and Snape didn't have a last farewell when Snape was alive (and I knew Snape would be one of the characters who would die) but the epilouge with Harry naming one of his sons after Snape and telling him he was one of the bravest men he knew. That part really made me cry and it was a fitting end to Snape's character.

So while I am not a fan of Harry/Ginny there was less mush between them in this book so it didn't bother me as much. This was Harry would really be related to Ron/Hermione (and god I love these two together so much) so in the end I am fine with both pairings. Plus Ginny does resemble Harry's mom.

Though I sort of wish we knew what professions (besides Neville) all the character's had. Maybe JK. Rowling will write a companion book for Harry Potter with this info.

And I guess that is about it. Overall I was very satisfied with the series. I feel it's like the end of an era or something. But I am glad I got to experience the whole Harry Potter craze.

harry potter

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