I'm Back

Mar 18, 2007 23:03

And I got all my Princess Tutu DVDs already. I am tired but I want to watch the series. Disappointly I found nothing Princess Tutu in Japan. I guess because it is a few years old and not really a big series. I asked like every book store I went in if they had the Princess Tutu anime books but they were sold out every where. I am guessing these books are out of print.

Ah well I am happy I bought the DVDs since I read the series was being discontinued. I haven't bought an entire series for that much money in quite some time but I think in this case it is worth it. And the DVDs are so pretty. If only I had an art box to put them in.

As for the trip everything went well for me. But my friends who left 2 days early and spent all this extra money they were stuck in Chicago because of a Snow Storm and their dad had to drive 13 hours to pick them up. They ended up getting home this morning (they left Japan on Friday). I feel really bad for them. I don't think they will be traveling to another foreign country anytime soon. But since I was alone for 2 days this trip taught me that I am perfectly capable of traveling alone and I might even prefer it. A lot of lessons learned.

Anyways besides some minor things for me Japan was wonderful. I'll post in more detail when I get my pictures back. I took about 10 rolls which is actually small for me.

princess tutu, travel, japan

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