Jamie & the Angels

May 25, 2014 20:38

Just saw an older tweet from Frazer where he said the new monster he would like Jamie to meet would be the Weeping Angels

That got me thinking. At first I thought well the Angels could bring Jamie to the Doctor, except they only bring you backwards in time. Of course the Doctor could be gallivanting in the past the same time Jamie is brought back but then I also thought instead of the angels bringing Jamie to the Doctor they could bring Victoria or Zoe to Jamie's time.

In some ways Zoe might be best because I think Jamie & Zoe seeing each other could trigger their memories & then the Doctor can find them both & they can all fight against the angels (or some other enemy) as one last hurrah.

I don't know why I think about this so seriously since this will never come to pass and really if I had my choice I'd rather Jamie, Zoe and the Doctor be reunited on audio through Big Finish and the Angels wouldn't work there.

Also in the end I do think Jamie, Zoe and the Doctor have to separate again, it's the nature of Doctor Who but I just want Jamie & Zoe to get their memories back. That would make the separation easy for me. I also like the idea of Jamie & Zoe sticking together.

And while I might already believe they get those memories back I want it to happen officially in some format.

doctor who

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