More Who Audios: Big Finsh & Lost Stories

Apr 24, 2014 19:23

Holy Terror: This one is hard for me to put down my thoughts because while I found this story really compelling & interesting, I can’t say it is one I really enjoyed or want to revisit. When people say it was dark they weren’t kidding. That’s not to say it wasn’t funny too, it had plenty of black humor, but it gets darker as it goes on. Still as far Rob Shearman works go I much preferred the Chimes of Midnight, now that was one I wanted to listen to again right away. I still have Jubilee, but I am saving that one. Just like I don’t want to go through all my Jamie/Two audios too fast, I want to savor my Six/Evelyn audios.

The Rocket Men/Return of the Rocket Men: This was two separate audios but since they have the same villain and are told in the same way (out of sequence) I thought I’d review them together. Overall I actually like the sequel more than the original.
Rocket Men was nice because you had some lovely Ian/Barbara moments (and yes I ship them) but oddly enough I think I liked how Jacqueline Rayner wrote them in Transit to Venus more.
Return of the Rocket men focuses on Steven and I found his story and how he changed from the past to the present to be a more compelling emotional story. It also worked better for me with the story going out of sequence. I had trouble following the Rocket Men at times but not so with Return for some reason
As for the Rocket Men they were okay villains, I guess I was never into the Rocketeer but I was thinking he would be a fun villain for Two & Jamie to meet, I guess it always comes back to Two and Jamie for me.

The Dalek Master Plan:
Kevin Stoney……how I love you. Kevin Stoney plays essentially the same character he plays in the Invasion except replace making deals with cybermen with daleks. There is a major difference whereas I think Stoney had better interaction and chemistry with the Doctor in the Invasion (because well he is playing off the brilliant Troughton) it’s more fun to see Stoney go head to head with the Daleks than the cybermen based on the nature of how these characters are. The best scene in the entire 12 episodes has to be when Stoney’s character and the Daleks are arguing over who is incompetent. It’s hilarious.
As for the serial itself well overall I would say its parts are better than its whole. I feel that a lot about Terry Nations dalek episodes (maybe the only exception being Genesis which is brilliant of course). They have great things about them but then they are never quite perfect for me.

Still it was nice seeing Nicholas Courtney’s first episode of Who (although his character is not quite as cool as the Brig) and thankfully one of the episodes that exist does include him. I was also glad I got to meet the much talked about Sarah Kingdom. My feelings are mixed in that regard. I liked her well enough but I guess she wasn’t around long enough for me to feel attached or sad at her leaving. Although I did like Sarah more than Katarina (I am not surprised she didn't last long). I also enjoyed the 1st Christmas special (especially the 1st half) despite going from the Daleks wanting to destroy Earth to a mostly comic episode. XD

Anyways the Daleks Master Plan was a fun listen, but as far as the 1st Doctor lost episodes I heard Marco Polo and Massacre were definetely superior. And Power & Evil are also superior dalek stories in my opinion.

On another note William Hartnell looked quite smashing in that hat of his in the surviving Egyptian episode.

And speaking of Evil of the Daleks I am on the last episode of that but since I will have a lot to say I want to save it for its own post this weekend. :)

big finish, doctor who

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