Star Trek Fanfiction

Jun 14, 2013 21:00

So in my current obsession over Star Trek:TOS I've been reading some fanfiction. I haven't really gotten into fanfiction since Hogan's Heroes. Although admittedly it's for the same reason I started to read HH fanfiction, the canon doesn't completely satisfy me ( Read more... )

hogans heroes, fanfiction, star trek

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insaneladybug June 16 2013, 11:44:43 UTC
Gen/Friendship fics are a joy in every fandom. And your favorite interactions for Star Trek are definitely my favorites as well! I've barely seen The Original Series, though; most of my love of Kirk, McCoy, and Spock, and McCoy and Spock, comes from the string of movies with the original cast.

Even in bigger fandoms, where it's harder to root out the really good stuff, there's sometimes small, particular pockets of fans where quality fics are written. Hopefully you'll be able to find something like that!


kirarakim June 16 2013, 14:49:22 UTC
I've been watching the movies too. In fact I just watched the Final Frontier which is a very flawed film (to put it lightly) but the chemistry and friendship themes of the main 3 is top notch.

I prefer the TV series because I just like the feel of the 60's more than the 80's-90's but one thing I love about the film series is how the not only have the characters matured you can see how their friendship and relationship has matured as well. The fact that they have become family was a major theme of Final Frontier.

But I still recommend the original series for the build up of that friendship. XD


insaneladybug June 16 2013, 15:04:43 UTC
The Final Frontier is strange in some ways, but I enjoyed it, and the friendships are definitely one reason why. :) One thing I don't like about some of the movies, however, is that Spock is never quite the same after he's revived from the dead. I don't find it funny when he swears or whatnot; I find it a very cheap way to try to get a laugh. I suppose they're trying to show he's loosening up, but I don't feel that he needs to swear to loosen up.

I've always been more into The Next Generation version than The Original Series, and all the Star Trek I've seen is because of my dad's enjoyment of the franchise (except one episode of the original television series I saw because a friend really wanted me to see that one), but I am definitely curious about a lot of the original series' episodes and hope to see them sometime. :)


kirarakim June 16 2013, 15:23:20 UTC
I kind of agree that Spock is a bit off in all the movies (even before he dies in my opinion). Well I haven't seen the first movie yet. But I think the change in Spock is a bit about him aging and being a bit wiser and around humans for so many years. He was way more logical & even sarcastic in the originals TV series (I actually love him best that way). I think I remember him swearing once in the Voyage Home but that was more him repeating after Kirk which I can kind of see him do.

Even Kirk is a bit different from the TV series and movies. McCoy to me is the closest to his original character (just older). Although even he is a lot softer towards Spock (something again that shows character development and the transition of time)

As for the original series you can watch it for free on I am probably going to eventually make a post on my favorite episodes. But I still have more to watch myself.


insaneladybug June 16 2013, 15:29:53 UTC
Yeah, I wouldn't be able to accurately compare too much between the movies and the TV series, just between the movies themselves. You're probably right about the reasons behind most of the changes.

The first movie has a lot of friendship squee too (and may be closer to the TV series, being the first one).

Him repeating after Kirk is kind of amusing, I'll admit. I remember that. And it was after that when he seemed to pick up swearing on his own, whether Kirk repeated it or not.

I used to be able to watch stuff on network websites with ease. I just don't know what happened to the laptop; all of a sudden it stopped playing those things properly. Now I'd need to watch on my dad's computer downstairs, which I rarely use. But I'll have to check it out if I get the chance. :)


kirarakim June 16 2013, 15:45:33 UTC
And it was after that when he seemed to pick up swearing on his own

Maybe I just didn't pay attention (which is entirely possible) because I can't recall this. But there were other things I felt were off about Spock in the movies (nothing too detrimental for me though)

I have heard a lot of mixed things about the first movie but then I did about the Final Frontier as well and that was better than I thought. Since you said there are friendship moments I should check it out (honestly even bad episodes are saved for me by the Kirk/Spock/McCoy interaction). I also generally like Robert Wise as a director so it's interesting to see his vision even if it is flawed.

Ah stupid technology. Although I do think you will like the TV series since you already enjoy classic TV and really the chemistry & friendship between the characters is great (plus the original series has this whole great adventurous spirit to it).


insaneladybug June 16 2013, 15:49:45 UTC
Yes, you should definitely see the first movie. :)

I definitely would enjoy the friendship stuff. Sci-fi and traveling between planets is actually a genre I usually don't have much to do with in general (outside of Star Wars). And I know there's at least one episode of Star Trek I just would not be able to abide (the one where some aliens pull Spock's brain out of his head, WTH). But if weird stuff like that doesn't often happen to the characters, I'd be happy to watch. :)


kirarakim June 16 2013, 16:15:48 UTC
Aha yeah I have not actually seen Spock's Brain and I am not sure I want to. I know it it's quite infamous in how bad it is.

I've actually been watching the episodes in totally random order but it's the type of series where you can do that. I enjoyed both TOS and TNG as a kid but was only a casual viewer. It was only when I started to pay attention specifically to the Spock/Kirk/McCoy interaction that I was really pulled in.

And unlike a lot of Star Trek fans I even like McCoy/Spock more than Kirk/Spock. I just love their banter. Of course they have genuine real arguments but at the end of the day you can see they really do care about each other, despite some major differences in opinion at times.

The series also has the ultimate hurt/comfort episode (the Empath) I linked to a scene above with Crystal Rose with all 3 of the main characters willing to sacrifice themselves for one another.

edit: This is a good video that talks about the importance of the trio


insaneladybug June 16 2013, 16:52:14 UTC
LOL. Well, if that's the case, hopefully bizarre things like that didn't happen often.

Yeah, I've always been a casual viewer, too. But I definitely squealed with glee when I saw the movies and found such a treasure-trove of friendshippiness.

Oh, I definitely agree. I'm fascinated by dynamics such as McCoy and Spock have.

Oh wow. Tomorrow I'll have to watch that scene and this other scene you've linked to. :) YouTube, luckily, still works properly on the laptop.


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