
Jan 12, 2013 13:17

I am completely going out of order with this pictures but as I already had a bunch of these uploaded I decided to share some of these today.

I was actually only in Kamakura (a short ride from Tokyo) for a brief time. It was a stop before Enoshima (I will post those pictures later). I mainly wanted to go to Kamakura to see the Daibutsu or Giant Buddha there. The Buddha in Kamakura is actually only the 3rd largest in Japan. The largest is in Nara but I still have not made it there (one of the many reasons to go back to Japan).

I traveled to Kamakura on a Sunday (my last full day in Japan) and so did the rest of Japan it seemed (it was actually the Emperor's birthday the same day. My friend stayed in Tokyo to see the emperor at the Imperial palace but I wanted to go to Enoshima & see the Daibutsu instead)

Besides going to see the Giant Buddha I also stopped at Hase-dera a beautiful temple overlooking Kamakura Bay. Apparently the temple is famous for its statue of Kannon but like an idiot I somehow missed this when I was there spending so much time admiring the temple grounds

I loved this little statue

the smoke you see is from a bon-fire that was going on

More bamboo

travel, japan

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