Legend of Korra~More Indepth Thoughts

Mar 25, 2012 18:52

Okay I loved the first two episodes, so much that Korra is the only thing on my mind right now. I almost regret watching the episodes early because now I might die until episode 3 comes on.

I won't say I have a favorite character yet although I am partial to Tenzin (I love how he can be so severe yet warm & funny at the same time) & his oldest daughter Jinora.

But as for the 3 teenagers I already highly enjoy Korra, Bolin, and Mako. I don't ship any of the characters together because honestly I feel pre-shipping is stupid. I am interested in seeing how their friendship with each other develops first. Of course I am sure I will eventually jump onto a ship but it will be because how the character interaction is written, not because they look good together or they remind me of a past Avatar Ship (although despite fanbrats Mako/Korra do not remind me of Zuko/Katara at all; thank God!).

It looks like Mako/Korra/Bolin as a team in pro-bending matches will be a permanent thing in the series. It will be interesting to see how their team dynamic changes & grows throughout the series but I do hope Pro-bending doesn't over-take the series. Part of what made the first series work so well for me is there were so many different things going on in each episode and we got so many different glimpses of the Avatar World. Although I think I should trust Mike & Bryan because

So far my favorite thing about the series is Republic City itself. It's very well thought out as I said in a previous entry it seems to be a mixture of NY/Shanghai in the 1920's with gangsters, Jazz, the Communist Revolution, early automobiles, radios, etc. I am hoping for silent films. XD

Korra to me is also a great female character. I don't understand how anyone can call her a Mary Sue. She's far from perfect and a bit naive and a brat (although very endearing at the same time). And like I said above I like the brothers a lot too. Mako is a bit colder & serious compared to Bolin & Korra (who come off as the fun spirited ones) but I think there is a good reason for that & I am sure we will see a softer side to his character. Also despite what some people think I don't think he is going to be the "bad boy" like Zuko was. If anything I have a feeling Mako will be the mature one of the group (or the one who tries to be in charge).

Finally so far I really like Amon as a villain (doesn't hurt that he is voiced by Steven Blum) I just hope he ends up being a better villain that Ozai (who was a weak link for me in Avatar)

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