Classic Film Meme

Mar 08, 2012 13:53

Taking this from insaneladybug. I feel I have been neglecting my love for classic films lately so I had to do this one. :)

I dropped and added some questions:

1. Favorite classic Disney?

Definitely Fantasia, it is one of the most unique and wonderful things Disney has done.

2. Favorite film from the year 1939?

Okay these are my top 5 at the moment (yeah can't choose just 1 and this list is subject to change)

Gone with the Wind
Mr. Smith Goes to Washington
Roaring Twenties
Rules of the Game

3. Favorite Carole Lombard screwball role?

It's not very popular but I am quite fond of Twentieth Century. I love Lombard & Barrymore in this film. Some people think they are too over the top but I think they were perfect for the roles they were portraying and they have great chemistry.

However as far as my favorite Lombard film for that I would have to go with her swan song To Be or Not to Be

4. Favorite off screen couple? (It’s OK if it ended in divorce.)

Of course it has to be Bacall & Bogie, a fantastic pair on & off screen. And I think it was Bacall who made me realize just how sexy Bogart was.

5. Favorite pair of best friends? (i.e: Barbara Stanwyck and Joan Crawford)

I don't think they are best friends but I loved the onscreen work of Gene Kelly & Frank Sinatra.

6. Favorite actor with a mustache?

I don't know...I guess I would have to go with Ronald Colman

7. Favorite blonde actress?

The above mentioned Carole Lombard is probably my favorite but I don't think she was known for her blonde hair specifically.

So fot an actress that was I'll go with Jean Harlow. Can you tell I favor the 30's?

8. Favorite pre-code?

This is like asking me to choose my favorite child LOL. I love Pre-codes and in fact nothing makes me happier than when TCM plays the following in prime-time a rare Pre-code, a silent, or anything with subtitles.

But I guess if I have to pick one it will be Lubitsch's Trouble in Paradise from 1932.

9. Which studio would you have liked to join?

I don't know I like early Paramount because of Lubitsch and Mamoulian's involvement. I am also pretty fond of RKO which I think made a number of great classics.

10. Favorite common on screen pairing?

The original question was who "should get married" but I think that is just dumb. However the two that I thought had the best onscreen chemistry were

Fred & Ginger and Myrna Loy & William Powell.

I am also quite fond of Cary Grant's work with Katharine Hepburn & Irene Dunne.

11. Favorite "I Love Lucy" episode?

The one when Lucy tells Ricky she is pregnant. I know this storyline has become cliche since, but this is still my favorite way the storyline was done. And I seriously get very emotional whenever I watch the episode.

12. Out of these actresses which one do you like best: Lucille Ball, Ingrid Bergman, Natalie Wood, Grace Kelly, Audrey Hepburn, Greer Garson, or Katharine Hepburn?

Well Audrey will always be my favorite actress, not because I think she is the best but because she was my first stepping stone (along with Cary Grant) that really got me into classic films.

I am also quite in love with Lucille, Ingrid, Katharine, & Greer; not so much Grace & Natalie.

13. Shadowy film noir from the 1940s or splashy colorful musicals from the 1950?

For me this is not even a competition, definitely Film Noir. Now if you had said musicals from the 1930's that might have been a little more difficult.

But I don't even think musicals from the 1950's were that good. For every Singing in the Rain you had a bunch of crappy ones.

14. Favorite Silent Film (this is a question I added on my own)

Sunrise a Song of Two Humans This is the film that made me appreciate silents.

I didn't like the other questions so I skipped them
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