Babbling about The Golden Globes & John Simm

Jan 16, 2012 20:18

1) So while I feel the Golden Globes are even more worthless than the Oscars I was actually quite pleased with the results. My 3 favorite movies of 2011 all won major awards

Hugo won best director for Scorsese, Midnight in Pairs won best screenplay, & the Artist won best musical/comedy, actor, & score.

Not sure how it's going to do in the Oscars but it seems it might be a race between the Descendants (which won best drama) & the Artist (unless there is a split vote and something else pushes through). It might be a race between Clooney & Dujardin too.

Now I didn't see the Descendants but I will be rooting for the Artist. It's story is nothing original but I love the way it was told (and well it will be wonderful to see a silent film to win Best Picture in 2012). But who knows, the Academy doesn't usually go for lighter fare like the Artist so I'm not really sure of its chances.

2) Still obsessing following John Simm on twitter. Actually he's been pretty active & enjoyable so far (not sure how long it will last but I will enjoy it while it does).

And due to him joining twitter I've been in the mood to watch his stuff. I finally finished Exile (which I enjoyed to an extent but also thought it was a bit over dramatic & I really disliked the affair storyline...but it had some really memorable scene including the classic Simm crying moment and that made it worth it.)

State of Play is also on BBC America now so I am planning on rewatching it. I did convince my friend to watch and she said she really liked it. So mission of introducing John Simm accomplished (and quite a few other excellent British actors).

I am also debating with whether I should watch the second season of Mad Dogs because well I didn't really like the first season all that much but I do like the cast (not just John, but Phil & Marc too). I listened to Phil & John on a radio show with Graham Norton and they were hilarious, such a great double act.

Anyways John continues to tweet to Steven Moffat & Mark Gatiss and their relationship definitely comes off very positive (John even said how much he loved Sherlock) so I am still holding out hope that Moffat will bring back John as the Master (and write a good script for him, pretty please).

john simm, movies, doctor who

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