Bow Ties Are Cool & Bilingual Children

Jun 28, 2010 10:13

If the Doctor says so then it must be true XD

It reminds me of my 12th grade English teacher who we always used to make fun of because he wore a bow tie every day. If only Doctor Who with 11 had come out then we might have seen the errors of our way (not really because he was still not the best teacher).

Anyways I absolutely loved this series of Doctor Who. I am sorry I ever doubted Matt Smith for being too you I was wrong. It's not that I didn't like David Tennant (he certainly had his great moments) but Matt Smith definitely tops him by many miles. I am totally in love.

Of course a lot of that is the script when you have a Doctor who isn't EMO and who has an overall positive attitude it makes a world of difference. I also love that the Doctor show she cares about both his male and female companion. So I guess a lot of credit also has to go to Steven Moffat. And this year I love the romance on the show: Rory & Amy ♥

And I am not saying this series was perfect, there were a few little things but overall this was my favorite series of New Who. I can't wait for the Christmas Special but I guess I have the Sarah Jane Adventures to hold me off until then (Matt Smith is also making an appearance on the SJA).

And This Next Part is not related to Doctor Who:

So awhile back someone on the Nodame Cantabile community posted about this little girl called Nina. They said Nina reminded them of a young Nodame. Now I am going to say right off the bat I don't exactly agree with this but I am thankful they pointed these videos out all the same because I think Nina is adorable.

I think she is about 4 years old (although the videos go back to when she was a baby.) She lives in Japan with her mom and dad and she speaks both Japanese and English (she speaks two languages better than I speak one). And she is just extremely intelligent for a 4 year old. I think she can give some adults I know a run for their money.

It seems her father originally put these videos up to share with his family in the US but Nina has become somewhat of a YT celebrity.

The Full Channel

And just a few random examples

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nodame cantabile, travel, doctor who

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