Another Meme

Apr 27, 2010 21:02

Just wasting time and doing another meme:

Stolen from yamikakyuu & sammywhatammy

Pick 20 movies/anime/video games/literary works and put their summaries from Better than it Sounds and WITHOUT CHEATING have your friends guess

Some of these are repeats that other people have used but I also tried to come up with a few obscurer titles. Oh and as a hint they are all anime/manga titles. :)

1) A number of people aboard a train find they have conflicting interests. An old man looks for friends he shared a drink with a long time ago.
2) Boy becomes possessed, then plays a board game.
3) A loser living in a tiny, run-down apartment house is driven crazy by his neighbors as he attempts to score with a girl who's trying to get over the death of her fiance.
4) A traveler helps people cope with invisible magic bugs.
5) Two sisters meet up with several forest spirits, the largest of which becomes a partial Replacement Goldfish for their sick mother.
6) If you simply make a wish, fairy tales do come true. Giving them happy endings is a lot harder.
7) young male goes to University and fails to get laid.
8) A girl agrees to marry an emperor in order to get him to rule his country properly.
9) Protagonists have to keep Canon Sue entertained or she destroys the world. Again.
10) A miner and a delinquent team up with an underage girl for the purpose of fighting a race war.
11)Young girl moves to a new town and spends her days doing nothing with three sisters and a really big guy - and it's hilarious
12) A schoolgirl avoids living in a tent by moving in with an incestuous family with intimacy issues. Not a porno.
13) Kids play while wearing glasses. This often causes major problems across the city and has the potential to be life-threatening
14) Military specialist searches for a magic rock recipe to get his brother out of a can
15) Three middle-school students are drawn into the raging battle between psychology and parapsychology. Freud ensues!
16) A traveler and a talking motorcycle roam the earth and Try Not To Die.
17) A pilot becomes the other white meat, then beats up pirates and a pushy American.
18) Sparkly, alcoholic Bifauxnen protects the Queen of France from everything except her own passions.
19) A Mc Guffin carrying boy who sees strange beings goes on a quest of namecalling with his animal sidekick.
20) An unnamed albino with Pointy Ears, Facial Markings and a Situational Sword dredges up the guilty pasts of an inn, a ship, a mask, a stick, and a train. His Literal Split Personality then uses this to kill Japanese Cthulu.

All Guessed....and very quickly too :D


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