FMA 18 and Harry Potter Movie

Aug 02, 2009 15:06

The FMA episode was okay. It followed everything story wise pretty well although there were a lot of details left out. The parts with Mustang & co were the strongest (that gives me hope for next episode). Although they did focus a bit too much on Barry's body. I swear they showed the same shot of his body bleeding like 3 times.

As for the Xerxes ruins this part I was less impressed with. It's not that much was cut (although they did cut some things Breda said to Ed. D:). But scenes that wowed me in the manga felt flat here. The reveal of Maria Ross came way too quickly and there was barely an element of surprise. It amuses me that anime viewers had to wait one episode, while manga readers had to wait almost 1/2 a year to learn the truth. I did like how they showed the scenes of how Mustang did it though.

Another scene I was disappointed in was Ed's speech. It's one of my favorite moments in the manga. It was there but they used the most inappropriate piece of music for the scene. At least the Xerxes ruins were pretty. And the scene when they talked about Winry's parents was done well too.

As for the Harry Potter movie (now that I am probably the last person to see it) I really enjoyed it overall. It's probably a good thing that I did not read the book again beforehand. Anyways I thought the directing and look of the series was top notch. Also I was very happy with the cast performances. My only complaints are how they handled Tom Riddle's background and the Ron/Hermione stuff. Surprisingly though I really did like the Harry/Ginny moments in the movie and I could care less about this pairing in the book. series.

harry potter, fma:brotherhood

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