How I would have Ended the X-Files

Jun 27, 2009 15:45

Now I am not really sure what got me thinking of the X-Files. Well okay it is this Really Fun Video. But I was thinking how would I have ended X-Files. Well first of all I would have ended after season 7. Season 7 wasn't the strongest season to begin with but at least it still had Mulder and thus could still be thought of as the X-Files I don't count Season 8 or 9)

Anyways I would have kept the abduction storyline but have got rid of that stupid pregnancy twist. Instead I would of added 1 more episode (2 at the most) of Scully looking for Mulder as a callback to when he looked for her when she was abducted in season 2. But I wouldn't have added any new characters, maybe Skinner would have helped her but that's about it (no offense to Robert Patrick because I think he wasn't a bad actor but you don't add a new major character like that so late into a series). Anyways Scully & Skinner would try to find Mulder and when they do Mulder tries to say goodbye to Scully because he is going to go off alone (since he thinks its too dangerous) to really find out the truth.....If only Chris Carter had left it a mystery and not that world ends in 2012 crap.

Anyways however instead of Mulder going off alone we would see Mulder and Scully a few years in the future (since Scully would not let Mulder leave her alone) they are no longer FBI agents but they are still helping every day people with strange phenomena under assumed names. Perhaps the new movie could have redeemed the series if they had followed this idea (instead of coming up with the lamest most unbelievable case ever to get Mulder back in the FBI) but instead Chris Carter decided to kill the franchise even further. So I guess only in my dreams are Mulder & Scully investigating strange phenomena under assumed names and still helping people and having a blast. It would have been great though.

One of my more random posts I know. :)


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