Dr Strangelove

Jan 23, 2009 21:48

After years of planning to watch this movie, tonight I finally caught it on TCM and I have to say I thought it was excellent. Kubrick is one of those popular directors that I saw very little of so I didn't have much of an opinion. I mean I saw Spartacus which I liked well enough, although I can't say it is a favorite of mine. Then I saw Eyes Wide Shut which I thought was one of the worst movies I ever saw.

However now Dr. Strangelove happens to be one of the best comedies I ever saw. It deals with the cold war and how policies basically lead to nuclear destruction. Of course the cold war has been over for some time, but with the current world situation I feel this film is still so relevant. Most of it did not feel dated at all, except for the use of pay phones. And this movie would make you realize it is a good thing we have cell phones now. XD

Anyways the star of the movie is Peter Sellers who plays 3 roles: an ex-Nazi scientist, the president of the US, and an executive officer to a delusional commander and he plays each part brilliantly. There are so many funny scenes in the movie but the funniest has to be the phone call between the leader of the US and Russia who exchange pleasantries before they start discussing the nuclear bombs that are accidentally headed towards Russia.

Although the topic of nuclear bombs is very morbid I guess I have a morbid sense of humor because I was laughing throughout most of the entire movie. So still not sure what I think of Kubrick but this is definitely my favorite of his movies I have seen so far.

classic film

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