Life on Mars Remake......

Oct 10, 2008 17:42


So the 1st episode of this came on yesterday and out of curiosity I decided to check it out. Well the good thing is they completely rewrote that awful pilot episode. It is now taken place in 1973 NY instead of 1972 LA and they scrapped the entire cast of the pilot except O'Mara as Sam. The first episode ended up being miles better than the pilot. But really that's not saying much considering how awful that pilot episode was.

Did I like it? Well frankly no but that was because while there were differences from the original there was too much of it that was exactly the same and I couldn't help comparing it to the original and thinking well the original did it so much better. But I realized it doesn't matter what I think because I am probably not going to follow this anyways. And then I thought would I have liked this if I had not seen the original and the answer is probably yes. It's really not a bad first episode it might pale compared to the original but hopefully once the series starts making their own stories (which they will have to do eventually) it can stand on its own feet. Although no matter what I can't help but think of this as Bizarro Life on Mars.

Of course I still don't think this had to be made but who knows maybe it will get more people interested in seeing the original. Even more important to me is I am hoping this will get the original on DVD in R1 land. If it does just that then I will say let America have their remake I will always be happy with the original

2) Johannes Krauser II Action Figure.

Okay so I am not planning on buying this because it is above my figure price range (maybe some characters I would break it but not for Krauser) but I still think this so awesome. You can even turn the figure into Negishi XD

I don't talk about it much on here but I have been keeping up with Detroit Metal City. I can't say it is my favorite thing in the world but it is a lot of fun and each episode usually manages to crack me up. I guess because it is just so ridiculous in an over-the-top type of way. Plus I love how the show twists the whole alter-ego thing.

3) FMA Chapter 88 Out

What a nice surprise and it is out earlier this month than usual. And OMG Arakawa its as amazing as ever.

Al/Pride/Hohenheim sjcshosjdhsdhwahdhui

Greedling/Pride/Lan Fan djdjdjjsjdjej

Yeah sorry nothing more coherent than that XD

anime, life on mars, hagaren

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