Rurouni Kenshin Fans Help

Sep 24, 2008 20:19

I found this entry thanks to Escalove

For those of you who don't know what the Bechdel Test is it basically tests to see how much depth female characters are given in a story. It is basically a standard that asks media to meet the following three criteria:

1. The series has to have at least two women in it
2. Who talk to each other
3. About something other than a man

Obviously most series should pass these tests because they are very simple (if a series doesn't then it looks very bad for the series). Long series should definitely pass.

However one series that does not seem to pass is Kenshin. Now I personally think Kenshin has great and well developed female characters but I can't recall when they talked about something that was not related to a male character (specifically Kenshin). Now I think the problem is everyone talks about Kenshin even the male characters because he is such a focal point of the series. But I am still surprised the series does not pass. I think I have to just be forgetting a moment when the female characters conversed and met rule 3.

Edit Somehow this post is now also about Juuni Kokki. XD

kenshin, 12 kingdoms

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