Ghost Hunt~Halloween a Little Early

Sep 22, 2008 21:39

After I watched it I realized it would have been the perfect series for Halloween but I was impatient and ended up watching it now instead of then. :)

If the title didn't get anyone interested the original novels were written by Fuyumi Ono. The same author of Twelve Kingdoms.

Anyways I've been sort of interested in watching this series for awhile but my interest was sort of meh I'll get to it when I do:

But I guess Funimation did something right because as soon as I saw the cover for the 2nd boxset I decided to had to watch this now. Yeah I guess in the end superficial things like that get me to watch something.

The thing is I kept hearing how good it was but I saw the first episode when the series first came out and thought it was boring and dropped it. But the praise for the series made me think I made a mistake and in the end it looks like I dropped this series too fast.

In the end the series turned out to be a lot of fun. I remember when I watched the first episode way back when the series 1st aired I didn't like how so many characters were being introduced. But I ended up liking pretty much all the recurring characters. One thing I like about the series is it incorporates Christianity, Shintoism and Buddhism. This fits well with my own belief system because I don't believe in one right religion but I like spirituality.

I also enjoyed the chemistry of the main girl and guy but there wasn't enough of it. So that is one complaint. The ending left me unsatisfied in that regard. But the moments they did have between the two were sweet in a subtle way which I like. And yeah I read all the spoilers I still ship Mai/Naru because there was something really there to me separate from the dream. And in that regard I really hope Japan finishes animating the story.

Another thing is I really love the main character. She was often scared and got herself in trouble but usually this was because she was the first to help someone else. After all bravery is not the absence of fear. And I know if I was in her situation I would be scared too.

As for the scare factor well it won't give you nightmares but it has some genuine scary & tense moments and well done cliffhangers. The first 3 episodes (1st arc) are the weakest of the series but it does get better after that. Although I do think the series utilities a school setting too much which is not as scary as other settings used in the series.

Anyways as of now I am leaning towards buying this. It was a fun series and I like the characters. Although I am pretty sure things won't hold up as well once you know the mysteries behind each arc I think it is a fun title to add to my collection. And the whole thing only cost $50+ although recently so much anime I like is being released at the same time

In other news 2nd season of Natsume Yuujinchou Confirmed. Awesome Sequel is Awesome. Well at least I know there will be one series to definitely look forward to in 2009. XD

And yeah I made a post about this earlier and erased it but I had a feeling I might be posting about Ghost Hunt tonight and I wanted to combine them into 1 posts.

edit: This Avatar Video is Amazing

natsume yuujinchou, anime review, avatar

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