Gurren Lagann & Stuff

Sep 10, 2008 23:46

1) So I got my final Gurren Lagann DVD today and have just finished watching 21. XD

I remember how excited I was when I first watched that episode and Viral and Simon had just teamed up and did their totally epic speech and took on the Anti Spirals OMG that was so exciting.

And Loves Yomako Sensei ♥

Anyways the only thing interesting about the subs that I can see is Yoko calls Nia a Bitch during their reunion scene. I don't remember that from the fansubs. Not that I would know if Bitch is more accurate or not. Though I think it is funny when fans complain that the official DVDs take out the cussing and in fact it is the official DVDs that added it in this time. *Prays the DVD continues to Play Well*

2) In other news I decided to do that 14 day trial run with CloneDVD and I started ripping my Princess Tutu DVDs. I contemplated doing my Gurren Lagann DVDs because I would like to possibly work on AMVs for both series. But my god it takes so farking long. I am still only on the 1st Princess Tutu DVD. How do people have the patience to do this all the time?

And I definitely can't afford to keep these files on my computer so I will have to burn them but I only have a CD Burner so that's going to be a lot of CDS! Eeeek

3) Meme Stolen from Escalove

1. Comment on this post (if you want to do the meme please let me know this specifically)
2. I will give you a letter.
3. Think of 5 fictional characters and post their names and your comments on these characters in your LJ.

1) Monkey D. Luffy (One Piece): One of my absolute favorite Shounen Main Heroes. So I was introduced to this character type in Goku. At first I really hated Goku but eventually he grew on me not enough to say he would be a favorite character. However Luffy who was definitely inspired by Goku has become one of my absolute favorite anime character who would have thought. I don't know I just find him so inspirational that I just understand why his crew loves him so much and why they follow him. In one sense he comes off as simple but in another sense he seems to understand things better then anyone. And my god Luffy's a pretty easy going guy but if you mess with any of his Nakama he will fuck you up but the last chapter.....cries for Luffy

2) Makoto Konno (The Girl Who Leapt Through Time): Okay I love this girl so much just because she is so much like a real teenage girl a little tomboyish, a little naive, just wants to have fun, maybe a little selfish. Because really if you had the power to jump back and forth in time what would you do make sure your sister didn't steal your pudding, ace your tests, sing Karaoke all day, stop a boy from confessing.....Of course when things go right for you things can go horribly wrong for someone else and Makoto realizes that and she becomes truly heroic and decides to make a difference. But what is beautiful about this movie is how real this young girl is. Seriously if you have not watched this brilliant film you are doing yourself a serious disservice.

3) Medicine Seller (Mononoke)- One of my absolute favorite characters. Partially I love him because he is a traveling character and well I have a thing for them, partially I love him because he is voiced by Sakurai Takahiro (and I have a thing for him too) partially I love him because he is so mysterious and unique, partially I love him because he has too gorgeous forms. Oh what can I say Mononoke and the Medicine Seller is a work of art. And I am a total hopeless fangirl I admit it. :P

4) Mai (Avatar)- One of the many awesome girls in Avatar. She managed to win the heart of my favorite character and turn him into a complete dweeb so for that I love her. But I also love her sardonic sense of humor, how she stood up to Azula for that dweeb, all those daggers/knives she has on her and her very unique hair style (although I do sort of wish she wore it down completely at least once).

5) Mei Chan (Full Metal Alchemist) I guess this is appropriate because the chapter should be coming out soon. Anyways Mei is a young girl (although not as young as some fans make out) girl from Xing who is an expert at alchemy. Like Mai from Avatar (their names sound exactly the same) she is one of many amongst many awesome females. Although Mei is the opposite of Mai in that she is really cute and she has an overactive imagination and thinks about True Love a lot. Still she is a capable alchemist and she could tell this character Scar was not a bad guy before anyone else really could (and she has an adorable pet Panda named Xiao Mei). Yes I do love Mei a lot because she is fun and she always puts a smile on my face. She is also half of my favorite Hagaren Pairing Al/Mei because the idea of Al with a cute girlfriend fills my heart with glee. They are so adorable together too ♥. Although I also loved Mei over imagination when it came to Ed and her extreme disappointment when she saw the real Ed. XD

princess tutu, gurren lagann, meme

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