Meme Time

Sep 07, 2008 08:34

Welcome Sammywhathammy & meganbmoore

It's nothing like waking up early and doing a character meme :)

Stolen from Amewarashi

Choose 10 characters (preferably from the same fandom) and answer the questions that follow. No peeking until your list is done!

And of course I am going to do Avatar

1) Aang
2) Katara
3) Sokka
4) Toph
5) Zuko
6) Iroh
7) Suki
8) Mai
9) Ty Lee
10) Azula

1. Characters 4, 9 and 10 (Toph, Ty Lee and Azula) are at an arcade. What game do they choose to play, and who wins?

They would play Mortal Combat however Ty Lee would not play she would get bored of the senseless violence. The real competition would be between Azula and Toph. Toph would win of course because no one can beat the Melon Lord not even Azula. :)

2. Make up an e-mail address for 6. [Iroh]

3. If 8 (Mai) had an iPod or some kind of music player, what kinds of songs would you find in it?

I can see Mai liking classical music like Beethoven. I also think she would like the classical piece Dance Macabre. I can also see her liking Bjork. She definitely would not like pop music.

4. What would you do if 9 suddenly paid you a visit?(Ty Lee)

Ask her to teach my the Chi Points

5. Do you think 6 and 4 are made for each other? [Iroh, Toph]

Oh god LOL well half of ASN is in love with Older Toph/Iroh apparently it is too awesome that the Universe will implode. But for me I prefer Platonic Toph/Iroh.

6. 1 challenges 3 to a no-holds-barred duel. Who will win and how? [Aang, Sokka]

Aang no question, Aang always beats Sokka in competitions think that game they played at the SAT and also they played an Avatar version of Rock Paper Scissors and Aang won

7. 7, 2 and 1 order a pizza. What toppings does each one request, and what do the others think of the choices? [Suki, Katara, and Aang]

Suki would probably be fine with plain, Aang would want Veggie while Katara would want Sea Prunes on hers. Aang would be extremely upset about the Sea Prunes.

In the end this group is really agreeable so Katara would go without the Seaprunes, they would get half Veggie and half Plain.

8. What subject would 1 teach if s/he were a teacher/professor? [Aang]

Well as the Avatar he will be the mentor to the next Avatar (at least spiritually) but I think if Aang had a choice he would want to work with animals so I think he would like to be a Zoology professor.

9. 5 and 10 go on their first date. Where would they go, and what would they do? [Zuko, Azula]

Um Zucest LOL let's just say this wouldn't happen.

10. 8 sings karaoke and dedicates a song to 7. What song would s/he dedicate and why? [Mai, Suki]

Let's switch it around because Suki would definitely be singing to Mai. She will sing "I'll be there for you when the fangirls bash us" Suki would probably be drunk and Mai will be very embarrassed.

11. How would 8 court 6? [Mai, Iroh]
Why the hell is Iroh getting all the young girls? :O

Anyways she wouldn't but I hope they bond over Zuko. :)

12. Describe the relationship between 2 and 8 in the canon. Would you change it? Why? [Katara, Mai]

Well they don't have much of a canon relationship they fought a few times. Now that they are all friends I would like to see Katara and Mai be friends. I mean Zuko and Aang are definitely going to be BFF so why not their girlfriends. So yeah of course I would have loved more interaction there but there wasn't really time.

13. In your list, who do you think is the perfect match for 3 and why? [Sokka]
Number 7 Suki no question and why because they are the Avatar OTP to beat all Avatar OTPs (well in my opinion that is). :)

14. 2 has a dream where 10 tells him/her to save 1, who is facing certain doom. What would 2 do? [katara has a dream, Azula tells him to save Aang]

Well normally if Katara has a dream that Aang needs to be saved I think she would worry but in this case I think she would worry more that it was Azula giving her the message. Of course it could be that Aang needs to be saved from Azula. I guess that makes more sense.

15. 9 (Ty Lee) and 6 (Iroh) are about to get married, until 3 (Sokka) crashes their wedding and abducts 9 (Ty Lee) against his/her will. 6 (Iroh) follows them, but must forge an uneasy alliance with his/her archrival, 1 (Aang).

LOL this is to messed up for me because it's so many characters that barely interact. And once again why does Iroh keep getting the young girls. He really had turned into a pimp here.

If Sokka kidnaps Ty Lee from Iroh for some reason I don't think it will be against her will.

As for Aang/Iroh well that interaction worked out really well in COD already awwwwwwww.

16. 8 receives a gift from 9. Does s/he open it or not? If so, what is inside? [Mai, Ty Lee]

Of course Ty Lee is her friend. It would probably be something cute and much to cheery for Mai but Mai would appreciate the gesture anyways and keep the gift somewhere out of sight (and then tell Ty Lee this is where she keeps all her favorite gifts...well at least she wouldn't throw it away).

17. 4 is walking home when s/he sees a cute fluffy creature, which promptly begins rubbing itself against his/her legs. Will s/he kick it away, or take it home? [Toph]

While Toph is no Aang when it comes to animals she does like them she would take it home and give it to Aang.

18. 8 is dared by 4 to strip while pole-dancing in front of 7. Write a short dialogue about this. [Mai is dared by Toph to strip pole-dance in front of Suki]

LOL this obviously happened at the same time Suki got drunk and sang Karaoke to Mai. Mai would not be drunk so she wouldn't do it. But I love the idea of a Toph/Mai/Suki girls night out. Katara would be there too of course.

19. What smiley/emoticon would best describe 5? [Zuko]

In the beginning of the series D: by the end of the series :) (I am so uncreative)

20. If you had the chance to rewrite 1’s life, how would you change it? [Aang]

Well for Aang's sake I would like his people not to die but then the story would not be as compelling

avatar, meme

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