Natsume Yuujinchou~My Surprise of the Year

Aug 28, 2008 20:27

People are probably sick of my recommendations (especially when it comes to anime) but I thought I would be doing a disservice to this series if I didn't recommend it. And even if I only get 1 person to watch this well then I would be happy for posting this. :)

So I know I mentioned this series to a few of you. Mostly I said it's enjoyable but not spectacular. Well I take that back, I guess I can't say it is the most amazing series I ever saw but it is so utterly charming and it has so much heart that I don't think it matters if I say it is not perfect or it is not on Mushishi's level (which I see people compare it too. Although the comparison is somewhat superficial and it's definitely more aimed at a younger crowd)

The basic plot premise is Natsume is a teenage boy who can see demons. Because of this ability he is shunned from society. Natsume wishes the ability to go away so he wouldn't feel so lonely. Natsume's grandmother who could also see demons sealed many of the demons away in something called a Book of Friends. This binded the demons to her but when she died the demons could not get their names back and they were left waiting to serve her. Natsume goes around returning as many names to the demons he can find in the book as possible. Each episode is episodic with Natsume encountering a different demon(s) every episode. Although each episode manages to be touching (especially the last 3 woah). And although episodes are episodic you can clearly see Natsume's development as a character as the series progresses as he begins to view his ability as more of a gift then as a curse.

Pretty Opening

So if you are looking for something nice, peaceful, heartwarming, touching, and even a little sad I highly recommend this little gem. It's only 12 or 13 episodes too so not much of a commitment. :)

natsume yuujinchou

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