Kaiba and so Forth

Jun 23, 2008 20:31

After I don't know how long I changed my layout (nothing special I just picked a custom one again) and I picked a new Ginko icon to match better. I was getting tired of my old default icon but not tired of Ginko. He looks really pretty in this image too. XD

Well after 8 episodes I thought it was finally time to recommend what is in my opinion the best series of 2008 (there really is no competition).

Kaiba is the story of a world that has the technology to extract memories and put them into another body. Thus a person can basically live on forever just putting their memories into another body. Of course this is not a cheap process and what ends up happening is the rich exploits the poor and steals their bodies. Memories can also be changed and altered. In the midst of this someone wakes up with a hole in his body and absolutely no memories. All he has of a hint of his past is a picture of a girl in a locket.

While Kaiba does have a continous plot it reminds me of series like Kino no Tabi and Mushishi where one shot characters stories come in and touch us even if we never see them again.

But probably the thing that stands out the most about Kaiba is its unique simple style. This ends up being a turn off to a lot of anime fans (I've sadly seen people scoff at the series and call it a cartoon. Of course these are the same people who probably think Code Geass as a intelligent series and ignore a truly smart show but whatever.) My main point is don't judge a book by its cover because Kaiba definitely deserves a chance (In fact it took me until the 3rd episode to really apreciate but I am really glad I stuck with it)

Here is the pretty opening which I know I posted before but it doesn't hurt to post it again.

In other news since Funimation has licensed it I've also been watching Oofuri. Maybe not a masterpiece but despite not being a fan of baseball at all I am really enjoying it because the characters are so much love (although the main characters annoys me from time to time). I have to admit it probably does help to know a little about baseball. Even though I am not a fan of baseball at all I do know a bit about it because I grew up with it (Baseball and American Football are really big in my city) but I guess while I don't care about real base ballplayers I care about these fictional ones winning. I also like that the show makes the other team likable and not nasty bad guys because they are on the other team.

Favorite character is definitely Tajima. He is someone I would love to be friends with. Anyways I still have about 8 episodes left but I think there is a good chance I will buy this if Funi releases it in a box set (I don't think I would pay for singles though.

Oh and while this show is known for is shounen-ai and I can see where the fans could interpret this, there really is no actual shounen-ai. It's just boys being boys the way I see it. But that's what makes the series fun. :P<

And HAPPY BIRTHDAY wao. I think it is about that time in Singapore. I hope you have a fantastic day! :D

oofuri, kaiba

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