Sozin's Comet: NO SPOILERS

May 13, 2008 19:30

So I got my Sozin's Comet book today and read it in one hour. Not much of a feat considering how short it was. The bad thing is the book is extremely poorly written even for a child's book. It's supposedly in different character's POV's (Zuko, Aang, Katara, Sokka, Azula, Iroh and Ozai to be exact) but all the character's POV's sound exactly the same. So if they had just told the story in 3rd person it would have been the same thing. But oh well.

That being said despite how poorly written it was (it's an adaption after all) the story is LOVE LOVE LOVE. No really I am completely satisfied. Okay there are a few things I would have liked to be done differently but overall I feel being a fan was worth it completely and it totally makes up for the season 2 finale. I can't wait to see all this in the actual show because it is going to be epic but also heart warming sappy too. ;)

Of course there are people denying it was real. I think it seriously beats the Boiling Rock WANK Ending Spoilers in Link and Epic Hilarity and Stupidity

Anyways I know spoilers are going around that spoil the entire thing but if you don't want to be spoiled and just want some general information like if they cover something or if you only want to know one spoiler thing but nothing else ask away. Comments are screened so no one else will be able to see what you asked.

Finally cute original sketch of the Original Gaang Members. :D

edit: LOL I just realized the FMA chapter was out. I was off Live Journal all day so it's not my fault I feel like such a horrible fan though. :(


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