Why We All Can Never Get Off The Internet

May 12, 2008 07:15

So you know why we all can never get off the Internet. Why do we spend hours a day surfing the web. Here is the real answer.

Probably an old image but I don't care it cracked me up because I think it applies. Especially for all of us involved in fandom

In other news as more spoilers for Avatar come out the more excited I am getting. It's going to be epic guys. Yes some things are predictable but still emotionally satisfying. There are some haters but that is not surprising. Really if this all sounds this good from a book for 4 to 8 year olds I can't imagine how awesome the real thing is going to be. :D

Oh because of Avatar I haven't been thinking if it as much but where the hell is the new Hagaren chapter (it will probably come out when I am at work) sigh

This is one of my more pointless posts. And I really shouldn't have posted it because now I have to rush to get ready. :/


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