Zuko is Cool

May 06, 2008 21:32

According to Bryan and Mike that is ;)

Anyways I wasted $12 and bought the new Avatar DVD today. I say wasted because I am buying the season set when it's released so I'll have two of the same DVD. But I really don't think there is another individual DVD that I loved all the eps this much (I mean this has the Eclipse, Western Air Temple, Firebending Masters, and the Boiling Rock eps all fantastic episodes...Although I am biased because they all focus on Zuko but there is also a lot of awesome Sokka moments as well if I do say so myself).

On another note I also love the cover art of Aang and Zuko (and that is something I wouldn't get with the season sets). The comic that comes with the DVDs is completely useless though.

Anyways the commentary was for the Eclipse and Western Air Temple

* Zuko was always meant to join the gaang from day one. And they had the whole father confrontation thing planned out from the beginning. They just didn't know when at the time.

* They pretty much admit that Haru, Teo and the Duke are completely useless. They just didn't think it was right to leave any kids in jail.

* They thought the adults should be captured to leave the kids on their own (so now I wonder why they rescued Hakoda so early hmmm)

* They totally love the Kataang and Zutara thing bastards! They were joking about in the commentary. I seriously think Mike and Bryan are half to blame for the annoying ship wars but I can't completely hate them because they did crack me up talking about how Zutara is beating McCain in the polls. Oh and Oprah supports Kataang. LOL

* The original name for the Western Air Temple is Zuko is cool! Well okay that was a joke title. But I think in Mike and Bryan's mind cool= dork. It's quite true right?

* Azula and Toph were compared because they are both so confident and cool. It is very true. I know it's not going to happen but I would love a Toph against Azula battle .

* oh and not in the commentary but did anyone else notice that Zuko and Aang basically have the same type of boots? Another parallel between them. XD

X-Files Edit: I might not be a big fan of his but at least JJ. Abrams has Great Taste

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