
May 03, 2008 09:57

So I am really confused about what I feel for Kaiba. I do love the style and music but I was a little disappointed in the second ep. It was way too out there for me that I couldn't bring myself to care about the characters. I was thinking of dropping it and maybe picking it up if everyone said it turned out well.

But then since the 3rd ep was already out I decided to watch that and I actually liked it much more. Maybe because the tale was simpler and I could actually connect to the characters.

I do think I am following way too many series though. It's fine when I am not busy but it starts building up and I have this huge backlog of shows to finish. And I don't think watching anime should be a chore. It should be fun. But then I can't decide which shows to drop. Even if I don't love a series a lot of series get better as they go on. But then I don't want to waste my time on a series that's not going to go anywhere. :/

I keep changing my mind with the spring season but so far the three shows that have consistently entertained me with every ep are Macross Frontier, Kure-nai, and Code Geass maybe the spring season is weaker than I thought if Code Geass is in my top 3...well despite its silly storyline it is entertaining


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