Nostalgia and some videos

Mar 16, 2008 23:24

Sorry guys this is me babbling a lot :)

1) First of all and most importantly Happy Birthday Mangaka_chan. I hope you have a great day! 3/17/08

No Spoilers Under the Cuts, I am just cutting for length

2) I finished North & South this morning. I thought it was great and I think I liked it even more than the Jane Eyre miniseries (I am not saying I like the story more just the overall production). Anyways I definitely got Pride and Prejudice vibes with the romance between Margaret and Mr. Thornton. However, the fact that the tone of the story was way more serious and dealt with class struggles made the story stand on its own. I loved the scenes in the cotton mill they were beautifully shot. And Richard Armitage as Mr. Thornton swoon. Well I will probably always be loyal to Colin Firth as Mr. Darcy but Richard Armitage gives him some competition. ;)

Anyways I burned the miniseries not realizing it was already out on DVD here so that was a waste because I have to buy this. I also plan to buy the book next time I am in a bookstore.

I guess my only complaint about the story (and what I think makes it not as strong as Pride and Prejudice) is since it deals with both romance and the class struggle between workers and Factory Owners it doesn't do either 100% justice but still overall I really enjoyed it.

I've also been watching This MMV over and over again. It spoils the romantic aspects but it's not like you don't know what is going to happen in that regard.

3)amewarashi's post about books also got me thinking that I should read The Pictures of Dorian Gray. I heard of it but never really thought of reading it before. But everyone who did read it seems to really like it. That post also made me want to watch Gone With the Wind again. I own the movie so it's not a problem. XD Gone with the Wind along with Pride and Prejudice are my two favorite romance stories for sure. What can I say I love Scarlett and Rhett. Here is a Video of Them Maybe Spoilerish, don't read the comments for sure!

4) I blame this on Wao because she keeps posting about Rose of Versailles. And then someone posted about it in the Nodame Cantabile Communuity. XD

But now I really want to watch it again. Problem is I want to watch it on my TV screen not computer. America why do you fail so much and not release this?

Yeah I am sure Rose of Versailles will not be a top seller here. But so much crap that isn't even rated highly gets licensed here. I think if they released a sub only version of Rose of Versailles it would do better than some of those series. It makes me so angry and bitter. D':

So in my fit of nostalgia I wrote a long post about ROV on my facebook account in the hopes to "educate" my friends who know very little about anime about this classic. I am sure they will ignore it but hey I try. ;)

I've also been looking for AMV's and I found this Pretty Cool Video There are spoilers.

5) But before I can watch or read anything I need to finish my 12 page paper that is due tomorrow (I only have 3 pages so far). :(

Well I have been watching random X-Files episodes while I worked on it (I work better with noise in the background).

Edit: And in another fit of nostalgia I found a favorite scene from another classic Clare Gable film It Happened One Night. I love this movie. It inspired the creation of Bugs Bunny. :D

I don't own it sadly though. :(

Lessons on Hitchhiking

x-files, reading, movie, uk, rose of versailles

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