Title: His Moon Princess
Author: kira
Word Count: 597
Characters: Hiro, a moon princess
Summary: Hiro wishes he could meet a youkai…
Author’s note: This is unbetaed, so any mistakes therein are my own.
Hiro closed the Shonen Jump, he had been reading, and stared out his bedroom window. The fifteen year old thought it would be cool to meet a youkai or two, like some of the characters in his favorite manga did. Maybe he could meet a lunar princess like Sailor Moon, as she was kind of cute, if a little ditzy. Or maybe he could meet a magical girl like Madoka Kaname. Anything was better than trying to figure out what he wanted to do with his life as it would not be long before he graduated from middle school and he needed to pick a career. He sighed.
Something outside the window caught his attention. He saw what appeared to be a falling star and Hiro made a wish like his American friend, Joey, liked to do when they were younger. Hiro wondered what his friend was up to, now that he was back in the States, when a flash of light nearly blinded him. He rubbed his eyes and shook his head to clear it. When he could see again, Hiro saw something strange in the back garden.
Hiro quietly got up and crept outside to investigate. Lying in the grass, was a girl dressed in a kimono. He idly wondered who tossed a maiko over the garden wall, when she sat up and daintily stretched. Opening her eyes, she smiled at him. Hiro smiled back her, hoping she was alright. They stared at each other, before he gathered his wits enough to go over and help her up.
Thank you… He felt, rather than heard, her words.
“You’re welcome, hime… hime-sama.” Hiro gave a shy little smile.
Putting her fingertips to her lips, Hiro felt her giggle. Tilting her head to the side she looked up at him and smiled. She shifted her gaze up at the moon, before returning her attention back to Hiro. Stepping back, she removed a fan from her sleeve and began to dance.
Hiro thought she looked beautiful the way she gracefully moved about the garden. The way the moonlight shone on her made her look unearthly and when she slowly turned away from him, Hiro was sure he saw a hint of a foxtail peeking out from under the hem of her kimono. But there was no way she could be a kitsune, right? They were just characters in old stories only to be resurrected in manga and anime.
Mesmerized, Hiro danced around the garden with her. He felt like a character in an old story about a samurai and the beautiful princess, who bewitched him. He was so enchanted by his moon princess that he danced closer and closer to her. Hiro held his arms out as if to embrace her. However, she was just out of reach and in a frantic attempt to grab hold of her, he tripped. Hiro landed with a dull thud and the sound of a sharp yip as he fell on his princess. Mortified, he closed his eyes.
Hiro opened his eyes when he, much his relief, realized that he had not landed on her. What he thought were the silken folds of her kimono were simply blades of grass. The spell broken, Hiro sat up. There was no sign of his moon princess; instead, he saw a small red fox, which paused at the far end of the garden, before disappearing into the shadows. Hiro shivered as he got up. He had finally met a youkai and he was glad it was only a little kitsune, instead of something much worse.