Aug 20, 2005 00:15

first things first. for DDR, 1 game = 5 rounds. for para, 1 normal game = 5 rounds; 1 non-stop game = 3 - 4 rounds.

due to the fact that all of you are not able to make it together on one single date, it would seem that EOY is the only viable date for this event. therefore, tentatively, this showdown will be held on the 10th of december, after EOY.



warm-up rounds will be allowed, but no more than 2 rounds per person. this means that someone contributes one credit for the warm-up game. for the warm-up round(s), please choose songs that you can pass well. it is a WARM-UP. it is not meant to be hard. it's just to get your muscles warmed up and to give you your rhythm.

opponents will be picked via balloting. 1 small box, all our names, pick. obviously, if you get your own name, you re-pick. all games will be played in VERSUS style.

for mode selection, to keep things fair, everyone can choose to play at any level setting. if you feel confident that standard mode (for that) song poses no difficulty to you, go ahead. otherwise you can stick with light mode. this rule applies to all except me. i will not be allowed to play light mode at all. this is to keep things from getting one-sided.

for modifier selection, choose anything you want, or just leave it as it is. if you end up accidentally choosing the wrong modifier, that round will not be counted, so don't fret if you die sometime during that round (after all, things like that DO happen).


how do you win? for each round, the total percentage of PERFECTs and GREATs will be tallied (over the full combo). percentages will be compared. person with the highest percentage wins that round. since there are 5 rounds, the person who wins 3 out of 5 rounds wins the game. in the event of a tie, the tied pair will be noted down, and when all other pairs have competed, whichever tied pairs are left will play 1 round (per pair). winner of that 1 round wins.

unless you all want it, there will be no elimination match for THE ULTIMATE CHAMPION. after all, it IS a public arcade, and if we are able to duke it out the way we want, we will be hogging the machine quite a bit. plus, after all that dancing, surely most of you will be too tired to dance anymore. those who want to compete in special pairs (e.g. shopping pair, crack pair, buchou pair, tensai pair, etc...) can do so if they wish. both parties must consent to the match.



same as for DDR, warm-up rounds will be allowed, but no more than 2 rounds per person. likewise, they should be songs that you DEFINITELY can pass. no one wants to see their credit go down the drain when the first warm-up-ee fails the first stage.

oppponents will be selected in the same manner as that for DDR.

for mode selection, you can choose normal freestyle, or hard freestyle. but it HAS to be non-stop mode. there IS a reason for this. i will get to it. likewise as for DDR, choose any modifiers that make you happy. if you lose due to those selected modifiers (which were selected deliberately), too bad. if it is an accidental one, then if you wish, you can re-try. or else you can forfeit. there HAS to be either re-try or forfeiture, because the douby ghaut arcade has no double para machines, and hence, no one to keep you 'alive'. so you either give up, or try again. no other choices.

you will choose 3 songs for your opponent, who will also choose 3 songs for you. 1st, 3rd, and extra stages will be chosen by your opponent. the 2nd stage (which is so that you can refill your life bar) will be a song chosen by yourself. so make it a song that you are good at, in case your opponent is an evil person who chooses all the songs you are bad at. how to select the song for the extra stage (which can only be played if you get a minimum of 100 max combo on your 3rd song)? before filling up all your song slots, open up the modifier screen on the song which is for the extra stage. if in doubt, i'll help you do it.

the reason why i have made it a non-stop mode-only showdown is due to the fact that in non-stop mode, as long as you have a unit of life left in your lifebar, you don't die. therefore, it is easier to pass the hard songs that your opponent will no doubt choose for you. also, for non-stop mode, since you start with your lifebar filled at the normal mode passing mark, you essentially get more life. furthermore, your life is carried over to the next song. so if you manage to fill up your entire bar (e.g. in your 2nd round, where you play the song that YOU select) you have that entire bar's worth of life to slowly dwindle away when playing a hard song.


percentage will be used to determine who wins. the para machine has helpfully displayed the percentage, so calculations are not neccessary. there are normally 3 rounds per non-stop mode game. however, if you manage to get the extra stage, it counts as a bonus. basically, you have to win more rounds (beat your opponent's percentage) than your opponent. IF there is a tie, likewise, all ties will be left for a final tie-breaker game, where all tie-breaking individuals compete.

as for DDR, if you want to compete in a special-pair match, please make sure your opponent consents to it first. after all, not all of us have loads of cash inside our cards. plus, other people are sure to want to use the machine too, as it IS a weekend.

please be courteous. if someone (somehow) has managed to sneak in a credit in the midst of our machine-hogging, let them play. X-ZONE is a public arcade, and we don't want to be blacklisted/banned/chased out. I certainly don't. and since it is a weekend (so far), there will definitely be high human traffic. our best bet at hogging the machine is to pick out opponents ahead of time, and then tap in our credits all at once. mean, slightly rude, but if we want to minimize the time spent waiting, that will have to be the way.

if you DO find yourself having to wait, if it is a long wait, go ahead and play something else. but if there are only 2 or 3 rounds more before your turn, please don't run away. in order to properly hog the machines with minimal complaints from others, we have to keep the flow up. the moment one pair finishes, we have to dump on the next set. that way they can't make noise. XDDD!!!

in the event that you are unable to complete whichever game your were playing while waiting, please inform the next pair, so that they can go first. in which case, you go after them.

we will try to complete the showdown for both machines on the same day (e.g. DDR before dinner, para after, or something to that effect). if that is not possible, we will just have to find another date then, for whichever machine was not done.

if you have any queries, complaints, suggestions, just put it in a comment. i'm having fun with the idea for this, so please don't reply me with a "let's forget this whole thing" comment. i've put a lot of effort just thinking this up, and typing it all out. besides, it's just a fun thing. you don't have to take it seriously. this is a friendly thing between friends. if you absolutely HAVE to, then gloat, but try not to. it's not a nice thing.

for your own comfort, if you don't want to play in our PoT uniforms/costumes, then bring something comfortable to wear (more for DDR). since we'll all be wearing sports shoes, the DDR thing shouldn't be a problem. if you think you are injured or in pain for any reason, let me know and do NOT play, unless you are SURE that it is not serious (vic, if you have a fever, no matter how low, i do NOT care if you think it is OK. you will NOT play. i will NOT get you even MORE sick the month before you start sec 4. no arguments.), in which case, play cautiously. i may not be the eldest, but i WAS the one who came up with this idea, and i don't want anyone getting sick/injured because of it.

everyone, have fun, train hard, be devious. XDD!!!

arcade, ddr, para, showdown

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