[Fandom] Dream Boys JET 9/6 18:00

Sep 07, 2013 00:02

SO, I caved and bought a ticket for today's show. And I regret nothing.

I'll try to write a coherent report here but no promises. I might add things or correct things on Monday when I see the show again. Beware: this report might be very Snow Man focused although I did try to pay attention to the great picture most of the time. Also tried to pay as much attention as I could to Senga and Miyata because I promised certain people that I would ♥

~Overture - Matchy Hit Medley~

The stage is still hidden behind the screen at first. There's the outline of the city and the female dancers appear. The screen is lifted and Matchy appears on the crane thing wearing a silver, sparkly robe/coat thing. All the Juniors are on stage in mostly in red outfits. The Snow Man outfits look...weird. Red suits but with swoosh added to them here and there that makes them look a bit odd because the swoosh starts like at the button line and then wraps around or in some random place.

They change into white outfits then, suits mostly. Snow Man wear black inside, the others red. Some chibis have other colors later on I think.

Towards the end Matchy steps down from the crane and becomes a conductor in the orchestra pit. He has his back turned towards the audience though (I am pretty sure it's Iwamoto because of the curly hair and he's the only Snow Man who does not appear in the sequence that follows).

Matchy then reappears after the conductor walks off the stage and says he wants to introduce the three young guns who are appearing in this with him. The stage he is on is raised and the Kisumai trio appears from underneath in sparkly gold robes with an army of juniors behind them in lines.

They do Gingiragin and do the thousand armed goddess thing. Watanabe + Juniors behind Miyata, Sakuma + Sexy Boys behind Tama I think and Miyadate behind Senga with juniors. Fukka Abe are on the platform with Matchy (they got to help him change his clothes - by ripping them off).

~Everybody Go~

Kisumai3 take off the sparkle stuff to reveal suits. Miyata is yellow, Senga is blue and Tama is pink. They were on skates and they did Everybody Go as they skated around. Tama and Miyata held hands and skated around for a good while. I think some chibis joined them on stage on skates and one of them they did an underpass with.

I think towards the end we cut towards the first scene which is the audition for the movie "JET BOYS" I think there was some Matchy narration in between.

So all the juniors are dancing in street clothes in a studio setting, they all have numbers on them and "Madame" keeps calling the numbers. She gets to "62-67 Snow Man" \XD/ then Senga and Miyata are called up individually. They all do dances. I think Senga and Miyata get backed by the Snow Men abut really everyone is dancing on stage. Madame then says how they're looking for a shining star. And then calls out Tamamori Yuta. The sea of juniors parts and in the midst of them appears Tamamori! *dun dun dun*

And uh here it starts blurring now.

I remember Senga doing Michael Jackson's "Don't care about us" and when the intro played I remembered 2nd Tour when they used that for the dance segment and I kept expecting Gaya's voice to go "LET'S DANCE!" ^^;

Then there's the scene where they film the movie. Fukka, Abe and Date are Team Tama so they are there in their silver and black Snow Man jackets but in half of their new black and leopard costume pants (they backed Senga mostly and wore helmets which they took off and then tossed and curled around). Tama is in a racer suit that has pink sparkle on it. All the race outfits in this butai say JET on their back btw.

There are 4Us Plazone motorbikes (prop recycling, I see you there) and scantly dressed girls... oh and somewhere in between Masuda Ryo had a solo in English that was pretty! Oh and Miyadate + Watanabe quasi duet! Senga kept talking over that though sadface.

Uhm so yeah Senga crashes the filming with Team Senga (Iwamoto, Watanabe and Sakuma) who are wearing their blue Dream Boys outfits just with the same black and leo-print costume pants as the other three. Senga accuses Tama of being unable to portay the part of the great racer, their director and role model because he can't understand racing and all the technique and things that come with it and that Senga is better suited for it because he's a professional racer and knows everything about how Kondo Masahiko races.

Ah uh Miyata, Tama and Senga all went to the "Junior Race School" together and are childhood friends but Tama chose to quit racing after graduation and went into the showbiz, Miyata is a race mechanic (for Senga) but also part of the movie for some reason and Senga is a pro-racer.

Johnny's Butai Bingo Square: A BRIDGE! *check*
So yeah bridge scene with Tama (sadly no Yara with a big shellfish in his pants) talks to Matchy and then Madame and Tama decides that he wants to continue filming the movie. Madame and Matchy talk about their past, they're former husband and wife but divorced. Oh Tama is an orphan btw...has a little brother like kid called Satoshi.

Senga does his solo - the one he said in the newspaper that he wrote himself. It's really cool and the dance is pretty impressive (Snow Man backing). I want to listen to it again and see it again and...can we get more of this please? ;A;

Uhm stuff goes down, Miyata hates the fact that Tama and Senga are fighting...

We cut to the garage where Miyata thanks all the mechanics for working on the new engine. Miyadate, Abe and Fukka especially. At some point here, Miyata hits Miyadate in the butt with a ginormous screw-wrench. After Abe is all "if we sell this thing we could ear *calculates* ... *whispers to the other two*" XD

Miyata gets a small solo part here and then we cut to more Senga and Tama. Tama asks Senga for permission to continue filming. Senga proposes they decide with a race, him vs Tamamori. Winner gets to decide what happens. Tamamori agrees (Miyata protests) but things have been decided. Senga was saying how despite him being the pro now, there was one time when Tama actually beat him in a race. So he should just do so again. Miyata laments but the other two are stubborn.

So he decides to be neutral and assigns mechanic teams to Senga and Tama (their respective snowmen). He then tells them to particularly pay attention to the "Down Force" adjustments. Madame overhears and asks what "down force" is and Miyata explains that it's the aerodynamic mechanism that keeps the race car on the ground despite going at breakneck speeds. If the aerodynamics of a race car were altered to influence the down force it could lead to something terrible.

Madame nods and then as Miyata gets busy, calls over Fukka and we face out.

Tama and kids and the bench!
Memorable stuff they talked about:

Tama's bangs. He cut them and the little Satoshi kid was making fun of it. Tama was like "Noo! I'm the one who's worried about that the most! I just wanted to do something after filming for Pintokona wrapped up. Oh speaking of Pintokona, someone who filmed that with me is here today. Jesse came to watch!"

Some more teasing and Tama leaves...as for plot, little kid is sick and spends most of his time at the hospital yada yada... basically not much difference to the old DB plot here.

Racing Scene!

Pretty cool. They have actual life-sized race cars on stage which are controlled by hydraulics. Miyata tells the Snow Men and other mechanics to do final checks. Iwamoto tells Miyata he saw Tamamori alone around the garage the previous night. They are interrupted by the entrance of Senga though - mistakenly announced by Miyata as "Tamamori" so Senga is all like "Tamamori jya nee yo, Senga da yo" XDD

Senga's entrance music is "Kaizoku"

Then Tamamori enters and his entrance music is "Eternal Mind"

They get in their cars and the race begins. There are clips of Senga and voice overs by him on the screen and god can I just tell you how much I love it when he talks in that deep, silky voice of his???

We have a pit-stop scene, too. Pretty cool.

Miyata is standing on the side-ramps with team red (tama) while the other 3 Snow Man are on the other side (team blue). Kudos to Iwamoto, Sakuma and Watanabe here. They actually kept acting their parts despite having no lines. Sakuma has the laptop and he and Iwamoto pretend to keep track of things on it, pressing buttons and pretending to talk to each other while pointing at the screen and then looking at the race and gesturing. Watanabe keeps a look at the race and gives "updates" from time to time. The other three kind of just looked on until Miyata or so prompted them or asked stuff. Abe has the computer on that end.

We get to the end of the race and the final corner approaches...but just when things were getting exciting, Senga crashes. He's more or less passed out in his burning car, Tamamori gets out of his and goes to drag him out. Everyone rushes over, two medics with an actual stretcher (rolling) appear and wheel Senga off to the DoctorHeli port. Senga collapsed in Tamamori's arms going all "TAMAMORI! Omae... *ded*"

Everyone panics, Miyata berates himself saying he checked the cars himself and everything was fine, what could have possibly caused the crash. Fukazawa checks the cars and suddenly explains "Look! Here on Senga's car the down force has been disrupted by this side-wing bolt being cut."

Everyone accuses Tama of doing that... Madame tells him to go into hiding and suddenly Tama turns into the samurai, neon-green version of the Man in the Iron Mask.

Yada Yada...mask dance... bla...

ROLLER DERBY!!! Or well they call it Roller fighting.

After Tama shows us he knows how to skate with a skateboard, too, woooh.
A bunch of chibis can do it pretty good too and they do it on a bunch of ramps and halfpipes on stage.

Then uh "Miyagoro" a very odd character appears on skates and explains to us what Roller Fighting is. After he kisses Tamamori's clearfile and tells us to buy it (and the one of "that Miyata guy too"). Ufu.

So we get roller fighting scene where a bunch of people skate around and try to hit each other. White Team vs Black Team. Black Team is Senga + Snow Man + Some Juniors. White Team is Miyata and Tama mostly. Snow Man do really well on skates! (how to find them vs the juniors: the snow men have shirts with a silver stripe on them, the juniors have plain black shirts).

I hope we get a DVD with all the rehearsal footage for that!!

The black team wears helmets - even Senga - they take them off at the end though when the White Team wins and they do JET SET GO!

There's some Tama-Senga talk in between, too. Tama is wondering about what's behind everything...

Bla bla people looking for Tama because Senga is unconscious at the hospital and his career probably done for.

So Iwamoto appears in front of Tama and they fight, Iwamoto draws out a knife. Satoshi is there two and tries to stop them and then picks up the knife and Iwamoto runs into it and falls to the floor and HOLY COW THERE IS FAKE BLOOD!!!! Level up!!

So Iwamoto falls over, Tamamori tells Satoshi he didn't do anything and grabs the knife. The others come running, Sakuma is down with Iwamoto immediately turning the other over and telling him to hang in there. He sees the blood is all "OH FUCK" and then storms over to Tamamori, who's been assaulted by Watanabe already while his snowmen try to protect him (minus Fukka, we get a repeat of crea as he beds Iwamoto's head on his knees but he moves over and leaves Iwamoto lying there after a moment) and then there's police and Sakuma rushes back to Iwamoto and grabs the other's bloody hand with his own and holds it and yells at Iwamoto to hang in there and not to die (MY SHIPPY FEELINGS, LET ME THROW THEM AT YOU).

Satoshi collapses of course and they carry him to the hospital, Tama is handcuffed and the police is about to lead him away but he grabs the red curtain and jumps into the orchestra pit to vanish and...

Intermission Time.

Deerp after the intermission there is the 3D flying Tama does after he walks along the frame of the stage and overhead, too... then cocktease music (Fight all Night) but nobody does any actual singing. Sadface. Oh the fighting music in the first act was Fire Beat instead of the "1,2,3de knock down - Fight Man" thing because uh yeah. lol.

Tama gets a solo as well called "Survivor". He's alone at first and dances in front of the screen with his shadow behind him. Snow Man join later then juniors. Pretty cool and Tama really improved his vocal skills!

Uhm then there's Satoshi at the hospital and Matchi "ojisan" gives him a racecar as present. Miyata's there too and he says he's going to take responsibility and quit the team. Matchy says he ripped up and ate Miyata's letter of resignation (LOL) and tells the other that he looked at the footage and that cut bolt thing was not the reason for the crash at all.

Miyata's all "BWAAAAAAAh KANTOKU!" and sobs into Matchy's sleeve/shoulder. Matchy repeatedly tells him not to cry, then tells him he's gross (hello, it runs in the family, oops spoiler). XD

Snow Man come running, telling them that Senga - who regained consciousness - has disappeared from his hospital room (how do comatose people do that? be out for who knows how long, then wake up and just walk out...??) Miyata is worried he wants revenge on Tamamori. So he tells everyone to look for both of them since both of them have vanished.

Matchy runs off as well going all "these kids!" and then Satoshi has a "omg I'm dying" moment with creepy hospital people and white roses falling from the sky and...what the eff.

Somewhere here is Andalusia ni akogarete with Matchy and the 5 Snow Man (Iwamoto doesn't appear much after he gets stabbed) first and then Tama later. Sakuma and Nabesho can really carry a song. Their voices go well together. A lot stronger than the other 3 in my opinion. I like Date's voice in particular and Abe does well but Nabesho and Sakuma together were great tonight!

Search for your love...uhm I mean, Madame is contemplating shit and then Matchy joins her and yes, we all knew it already but Tama is their child. And she gave him to the orphanage because she was too focused on her work - as was Matchy at that point. Tama overhears and is all "I always wondered what kind of people my parents were. I can't believe my real parents turned out to be terrible people like you!"

"Yes, Yuta, I am your father!" - "NOoOooOooOoOoOOOo!"

Stuff goes down and in the end they reconcile ("Your mother has another reason for making that movie a success no matter what. Yes, she wanted to make your dream come true but she needs the money that comes out of it to pay for the surgery of her other son, Satoshi." - "We haven't been able to find a donor heart for him. His father died so soon and nobody else has been suitable...") but then police want to nab Tama, Matchy tells him to run and as he protects his son from the police he's shot and Tottsu dies dies.

Tama is all "NOO DAAAAD!!" and then Satoshi is climbing around over the stage because he was looking for Tama as well and Tama is all "OMG what are you doing! Stay there! I will save you!" and he falls off.

In the meantime, Miyata found Senga, who's stumbling around and still in pain but he's looking for Tama. Senga tells him that it wasn't Tama's fault and that it was his own driving miss that caused the accident. That he did the same thing as the last time he raced Tama. He wanted to come out on top and beat the other no matter what and did something stupid as he got too full of himself. So he wants to apologize to Tama. Miyata apologizes to Senga for doubting the other and the two reconcile and then go off to find Tama before shit goes down.

Then Tama finds himself at the gates of heaven and reunites briefly with Matchy and the other gives him his heart to give to Satoshi when Tama returns to the world of the living. They sing Zanbara together omg ;A; I love that song! So happy I got to hear it live because that is the one song Matchy did not do at Fireworks that I really, really wanted to hear him sing live. Tama did very well, too, though I honestly still prefer Mitsu. ;;

Back to the real world, Iwamoto tells the Snow Men about the truth...everyone apologizes and reconciles, Tamamori tells everyone Satoshi's surgery was a success and tells them about his real parents...Senga apologizes to Tama and Tama Senga and Miyata are BFFs again...Madame tells them about how it was her who manipulated the car via Fukka (Fukka proceeds to be a dork about it and Senga smacks him)...

Happy Sappy End...

After a song where I honestly needed a couple choruses to figure out what they were singing in English ("I am the king and you are the queen" sounded like "I am the free and you are zackii" at first...)

Last dialogue with Tama and Matchy and we go into the standard ending song for DB but the lyrics have been altered from boxing to racing. Matchy is in "heaven" at first ("I like being here. There are so many young and pretty women here...hohoho" - "Please stop dad, behave according to your age.") but then comes down. We find out Matchy doesn't like hights very much lol and the gondola thing shakes a bit and he points that out. Tama says it'll be fine, he's waiting down there on stage.



Really enjoyed showtime. Fukka and Iwamoto carry some verses in the song just before the real show time I think that was cool.

Then Senga and Miyata do We Never Give Up with Tama joining later (Snow Man wearing No Control outfits). Following this is Kimi to no Kiseki. Then Tama and Iwa+Fukka do SHE!HER!HER!, Miyata does Kisuumai with Miyadate and Abe and does wotagei in the dark with light-sticks. It's pretty cool! Senga follows up with Shake it up backed by Watanabe and Sakuma. Tama comes back to do my resistance with the other four Snow Man now in silver outfits and Nabesho and Sakuma join later.

The overall ending song of DBJ is Endless Road. We get introduced to all the juniors (pictures on screen in the background - I want those offshots T^T) and then bye bye and...the end.

I will try to add more on Monday. A little tired now.

fanreport, fandom

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