Dec 31, 2020 16:53

I am not on LJ a lot anymore these days but if you still want to add me, poke me and I'll see about it.

As I've had problems in the past, I've decided to make my personal Livejournal Friends Only. If you consider asking me, here is what this journal is mainly about...

- Fangirling
- My boring real life (university, friends, bla bla bla)

That's it.

And lately I haven't really been updating this one too much.

If you are looking for fanfiction written by me, please go to either
or the shiritori comm.

I am also on AO3 here

My favourite emoji: (╯°□°)╯︵ ┻━┻ or (╯°□°)╯︵ $$$$$

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