TAG to SPN Season 7 Episode 12
That means SPOILERS!!!
200 words
„No relation” Dean said and Sam’s heart broke a little bit. He could almost hear Lucifer’s sarcastic whisper in his ears (All brothers are the same, Sammy) but a quick brush of fingers against his palm was enough to make it quiet.
The witness told them everything and Dean was all ready and right next to him; but Sam still could not touch him. Thinking back on it, Sam was sure the last time they touched - causal touch, like a brush of fingers against one’s back, or giving a helping hand for standing from the coach - was before... Bobby.
They choose different bedrooms not because they could not have shared but because Dean did want privacy. And then, damn him and his suicidal tendencies and hypocrisy, he was no longer there. And it was like missing a limb; Sam always knew he would miss Dean and become crazy (Thanks, Gabriel) if he was left behind...
And they made it through and Dean was back and Sam still did not touch his brother. He tried for a smile, became awkward as the prophecy promised them dark goo, and did not touch his brother. Nor the day after. Or after.