Some of you know that I recently started bargain shopping hard core, focusing on getting the most out of my grocery budget and my Christmas gift budget. You cannot imagine how stoked I was when I ran across this deal. I just got $75 in certificates as gifts and actually MADE 40 cents in the process!
This year I'm trying to not only buy gifts that friends and family actually want, but stretch my gift dollars as far as possible. To that end, I wanted to alert y'all to the following sites:
Hmmm....must be time for the weekly update. I'm still alive, but also still swamped. Monday and Tuesday were spent shuttling Mom to/from the dentist in W-town where she had some major surgery and taking care of her during the aftermath. She's recovering nicely; the dentist was impressed when we went for her follow-up appointment on Tuesday. Still,
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I kind of forgot about decorating my LJ for Christmas. Fortunately, I popped in over at liztown's place earlier and was reminded that 'tis the season. So, voila!