Back to some spazzing over jap guys :P

Jan 10, 2010 21:26

Since ai_no_himitsu  highly recommended it, I started watching Ninkyo Helper a few days ago (still in the process of dl-ing all the eps at the moment though ^^) and I have only watched 4 eps but I am already loving it so much, especially with so many actors/actresses that I know and like in there e.g. Yamada Yu, Mukai Osamu, Yamamoto Yusuke, Kuroki Meisa, Yabu Kouta, Yuki Jutta etc.
I cant help loving that little cute boy in it, and of course not to mention the main character,Tsubasa Hikoichi, played by Kusanagi Tsuyoshi~~ Even he has involved in that drunk&running naked incident before lol, I cant help loving his character and him (a bit, even though he looks kinda old to me but he certainly looks kakkoii in the drama! XD ). Tsubasa Hikoichi intinally planned to act nice to the elderly and trick their money from them but after meeting that old lady he eventually knew that he's been wrong all along and he even gave a large sum of money to her. (though it's sad that the old woman no longer mistook him as her son, I found that really touching >< ) And so far he was helping the elderly there though he doesnt show it in public ^___^ And his sakura tattoo is SO cool!

And Kuroki Meisa is just perfect for her role of being a strong-willed gangster leader, not to mention a very pretty one, is she gonna end up with Kusanagi Tsuyoshi?! :P
I certainly feel the love in the air.....*giggles*

Anyway just finished watching JE Countdown Con 2008-2009 and OMG IT'S SO MUCH MORE AWESOME THAN THE 09-10 ONE! <333

I thought KT's performance in the new one is not as good and was there something wrong with kame's mic at one point? I cant really remember any particularly perfs that I like (maybe cause it's been days since I watched it...) except that part when Arashi sang thatg K8's Osaka song, I thought they look so cute and hilarious in that especially when each member say "I really do love ya" ^______^

Perhaps in the 08-09 one there're more songs I know of and I thought there's more interactions between the different JE groups, (please excuse my KT biaseness) like before Yamapi sing he was chatting to Jin and then Jin attempted to take over Pi's mic, then Maru doing some funny expressions at that Lets eat sushi song, and Junno doing that kakkoii blackflip, not to mention I see more of Ueda XDD *throw confetti* sdfdgfhgjhdgfghghg Tat-chan is so unbelievably cuteeeee <333
And I am so loving the KT medley (with Ueda showing off his signature boards and *almost* fall over hehe) and Arashi's 10years anniversary special medley too~ though I am a hardcore KT fan, I sure do enjoy Arashi's happy songs once in a while and Nino is always my Arashi cutie hehe

And I found it funny V6 was eating noodles while everyone was looking so busy in Tokyo Dome. Tackey happened to be doing the same stageshow at the same time during 09-10 countdown con but I like his performance during the 08-08 one, "Love, Revolution" is actually a really nice song and A.B.C & Kis-My-Ft2 are a bunch of hyper guys lol. And strange enough I even like Kinki Kids's new song "Promise" lol, and totally hilarious when Tsuyoshi held up Koichi's childhood photo which made Koichi laughed so much that he couldnt sing haha

fangirling, ninomiya, why so cute?!, news, ueda, i have million of reasons to be biased, sparks of randomness, actress!love, arashi, concert, cute guys are love, reviews, jdramas, kat-tun

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