Live . Love . Laugh

Dec 31, 2009 18:14

HAPPY 2010 !!!
(Anyone going to count-down?)

Thank you flist for being so nice to me over the year and sometimes I will go through some of my old posts, and smile at those lovely comments you guys left me ~~ *bear hugs you all*

I suck in new year wishes, but I hope for health for everyone I know (yes to me too, especially I always get sick T^T) and the world can just a simplier place- even though it seems an impossible wish in such a chaotic world nowadays - and that I will work even harder than my lazy self right now, better time management perhaps and that means less time on LJ and my fandoms or else I would never pass my 1st year ><

Fandom-wise, hopefully I will keep loving Ueda and KT and all my cute guys <333
...and please I pray nothing bad happened to SJ anymore! *sobs*

Anyway another purpose of this post is wish Sungmin (SJ) a happy birthday ~^__^

I remember I didn't really pay attention to him when I first know Super Junior but can't remember starting from when (perhaps after watching Intimate Note haha) I begin to think he's such a cutie as well ^____________^

A mini picspam for the SJ cutie hehe~~~

life, picspam, super junior, shout-outs, cute guys are love, graphics, love you flist, birthdays

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