All about Maruda <3

Apr 09, 2009 10:32

Just now snowaltz told me over msn that Maru is forced to do bungee jump AGAIN by the CKT producers T_T

Poor maru *huggles tight* maru even expressed in his blog that he was really worried over this plan - true, last time it was very entertaining when he did bungee jump in Sendai SP but do he really need to go through that all over again after being mentally tortuned in that ep?! I am glad kame did it for maru's sake at the end~~~ that ep made me find out more about the "real" side of maru^^ there's a good saying "one would only show his real side at times when facing the most fear" ~~ honestly I love Maru even more after he's so openly show his real side and admit his fear of height~ ><
OK HOW CAN THE PRODUCERS BE SO CRUEL TO MARU?! that's one bad thing about being an idol, sometimes you need to do something you dont want to do just to entertain fans / audience~

In a happy note snowaltz also share with me a mega-sweet maruda fanreport ^______^

* clickie here* I think the original chinese fanreport is better since you can actually feel the excited emotions of the author hehe~
Just cant believe the author can come across to such good maruda news >< And how lucky are that japanese girl who witness Maru chatting on the phone to *hopefully and possibly* ueda<33333
SOOOOO SWEEEET and i can actually imagine maru saying stuff like that to tat-chan hehe

I might as well spazz a short maruda fanfic I really love^__^
[fanfic] 50 sentence

"#02 - Waltz

Nakamaru always has to remind himself not to bring his written directions on how to waltz when he does the waltz, because he always ends up staring at Ueda anyways. "

AND FINALLY A MARUDA FANVID made by my fav fanvid creator<3333

fanvid, fangirling, fanfic, i have million of reasons to be biased, video, maruda, maru, fanreports, cartoon kat-tun

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