Happy bath day

Apr 06, 2009 04:14

Although it's 4 days late....

I wish I could make a bday banner for him but these days I gonna be mega busy again - two days till another interview in one of the uni back at home - and I am just back from my trip to Macau^__^ well I often visit there with my family but there's not much to do there since there're mostly casinos, nothing much...but his time the main purpose is to visit my friend hehe I have promised to visit her forever but never managed to go haha (not that it's really faraway from HK) I stayed at her house and these 3 days we havent stopped eating xDDDDD we queued up for food while eating hahaha.....it's too much to list here but I tried sakura, tofu and green tea ice-cream^_______________^ yum~

<< that's the ice-cream shop<3

These pics I found in google (coz at that time I dont have my camera with me ><)...

(from left to right: sakura, green tea & tofu)

AND my pretty loot from ...
I FINALLY GOT A HAPPY BATH DAY PRODUCT!!!! (though it's a bit expensive and despite my family kept persuading me not to get one...)

<< my HBD handcream<3333 (seriously I wouldnt dare to use this up so quickly~~)

I kinda forgot to mention but ohh yeahh I know hiro mizushima is getting married to Ayaka ~ I was SO shocked when my sister told me she read it on newspaper the other day...well I was like "why why why?!"...i didnt fangirl over hiro that much but honestly I *hearts* that guy, ever since I watched hana kimi and he remained one of my loves <333 I admit I feel a bit heartbroken at first but Ayaka is a lovely girl ^^
besides I read that Ayaka suffered from a illness and Hiro married her coz he wanna protect and take care of her forever~ aww how sweet^___^

I wish Hiro&Ayaka all the happiness in the world<3

merchandise, happydays, *shopaholic side switched on*, miura haruma, news, headlines/hot gossips, hiro mizushima, yumyummy food, share the world, birthdays

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