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Jan 25, 2011 11:03

OH YES. I do realise it's been absolutely AGES since I update my LJ, but I'm here afterall so nothing matters :P

If this happens a year ago, this would totally be unacceptable to me - LJ = LIFE - but life is life. It is full of surprises and unexpected things. And people change. Since the beginning of Year 2, I feel myself spending far more time in the real world instead, during the week uni work is killing me every night, and if I am not being piled up with work, facebook is taking over. And in weekends I am either bury deep in more uni work or I'm just out hanging around with my fixed group of friends.

I guess this is how uni life should be - socialising, work and more socialising lol

Just wanna say I would be pretty inactive in LJ onwards, though I will mumble a few words here and there or rant out my frustrations towards life, or SPAZZ ♥

Anyway I was here to officially announce that I have finally finished my two Semester 1 exams, and that I would have 2 weeks of inter-semester break till Sem 2 starts :DDDD
Well.....exams weren't going that great for me....but like what this friend always says "what's done is done" and I DID have another chance of retaking the exam (though this is certainly not preferrable but unavoidable if I really mess up this time :/) So exams are out of my way and now Chinese New Year is coming (so probably some house parties to look forward to as well ^-^) .....now some cheerful bits to share?

Apparenly the movie "Hanamizuki" is going to be in HK cinema this february~!!! (depressing, I know, cause I happened to be in the UK right at this moment) I've actually kept an eye on this movie for quite a while already, since I've seen an Toma interview awhile back, but honestly WHO CAN RESIST TOMA x ARAGAKI YUI x OSAMU MUKAI?! >v< 
The producers apparently are the same ones as the ones in "Koizora", hey they just know the perfect way to melt our hearts with love stories...right....

The story plot sounds simply beautiful - describing Toma and Yui's relationship from the beginning to 10 years later - long distance love relationships, changes, breaking up and re-uniting......
Not only Toma is one of my favourite actors of all times (since Hana Kimi), Aragaki Yui is my absolute favourite too since I watched Koizora (oh seriously, how can you not LOVE her in that?!) I admit she's not the prettiest out there, but I love she looks so quiet and cute, and there's something lovable about her hehe......

And oh yes. Jdramas / movies are always more of my thing than Korean ones, which are sometimes too depressing that I can just curl up like a ball and die or something lol. Joking but you get what I mean :P
....ok there're exceptions such as "You're Beautiful"....I admit that definitely changes my impression on kdramas and excuse for my sidetracking...I've recently started on the hit "My Girlfriend is a Nine-Tailed Fox' too ^^

So here's the trailer - enjoy and spread the love~

image Click to view

exams ought to be banned, ikuta toma, oh-so-hard road of becoming a pharmacist, life, i have million of reasons to be biased, movies, shout-outs, actress!love, cute guys are love, video, kpop craze

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