(no subject)

Oct 18, 2010 21:30

This is pretty much a pointless post since life is just as boring as usual - lectures, lectures and more lectures with workshops occasionally throw inbetween - except I just want to show off my two sparkly loot lately hehe ~~ sorry for the randomness but I am really excited! Shopping is not my favourite thing to do in the world since it really uses up too much of my brain power BUT i love to do every once in while and it brightens up my day just as simple as that ^^


....which kinda fail to make my hair looking all straight and pretty maybe it's just me I seriously need a class in learning how to do this thing PROPERLY =_= Thank god, my friend is coming to visit me in a few days lol

Don't you think it looks so lovely and winter-y? >v<

Actually there's a short story behind this pair of boots - well this weekend I went into this shoes store with my friends and saw the most gorgeous UGG boots ever but omg it's so expensive that I knew I would NEVER get that - and then today I walked past this shoes shop (which sells pretty cheap shoes lol) and saw that pair above......EXACTLY THE SAME AS THE ONE I WANT BEFORE O___O

There's no way I wouldn't miss this chance (especially the pair above is million times cheaper XD)

Oh by the way here's how the UGG one looks like

 Looks similar, right/ ;P

p.s. 7 more days to my birthday *giggles*

happydays, *shopaholic side switched on*, life, snapshots

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