Last Week

Jul 22, 2008 20:27

I had a wonderful week. Last Sunday night when I got back from Holiday World I went over to lildomino’s to sleep and snuggle. I got in so late I expected lildomino to be asleep or at least ready to pass out. However, lildomino was up and seemed to be experiencing one of her late-night energy spikes. We talked about our upcoming Vegas trip (we’re going to see Star Trek: The Experience before it disappears!) and then finally got to sleep. B^)

Last Monday after work I went over to icespark’s, where she’d cooked an incredibly yummy dinner. I logged onto TFUMUX to role-play, with frequent breaks to get more food. I had fun on the MUX for a while, but eventually icespark passed out and I decided to log off earlier than usual to join her in bed. It’s good to have more help on the MUX lately, but the flip side of less work is less motivation to log on when I don’t feel as needed.

Tuesday I took off work because ona_tangent came to see me (woot)! I headed home to meet her, and there was much been-missing-you schmoopiness to be had. ona_tangent wanted to go out and enjoy gorgeous day, so we had lunch and then meandered around the park, the comic shop, and the fountain downtown. When we got back home we at last got to watch the Buffy musical, which I hope lived up to the years of hype.

Wednesday I had to work, so I left ona_tangent at my apartment to watch more Buffy and get work done. By the time I got home ona_tangent was Buffyed out, so we listened to music, snuggled, and conversed about all manner of things, from the bastardliness of Joss Whedon to our own shady pasts. We talked about ona_tangent’s business plans, and I bored her with stories from the MUX. It was a very pleasant time. B^)

Thursday ona_tangent had to head back to St. Louis, so after breakfast I kissed her goodbye with heavy heart. I was mopey at work all day, although sweet Twitters from cassiopia and mishiell and lunch with lildomino certainly helped. After work I hung out with mishiell to calm her nerves before her flight to San Francisco, and after getting distracted for an hour by a Star Trek book, we went to sleep since we had to get up super-early for mishiell’s flight.

Friday I got up early to drive mishiell to the airport, then went home to pack for the weekend. I had lunch with icespark, getting my phone charger back at last since I’d left it at her place Monday. After work I drove to Illinois to spend the night with cassiopia. I got to see the end of Dr. Horrible’s Sing-Along Blog, and then soon passed out since I’d only had about four hours of sleep.

Saturday I got up and watched Dexter with cassiopia, and then drive to Evansville to see hotarugirl and run a role-playing game for her and her friends. We had dinner first at a great Chinese food restaurant, and then I had a *lot* of fun running Paranoia XP. I was nervous beforehand about running a game for new people, but hotarugirl’s friends are an extremely fun RPing group.

Overall, it was a fantastic week. I got to see people I love but never get to hang out with, and meet new people who are awesome and with luck I’ll get to roleplay with again sometime. Work this week is trying extra hard to erode the resulting good mood from last week and this weekend, and I’m not sure when I’m ever going to have time alone again, but overall I’m feeling happy and loved, and I'm glad to have such superb friends and lovers.

"Some see the move as an attempt to preserve traditional values, while others see it as a cynical ploy to ensure that Vice President Cheney will never have to pay for his gay daughter's wedding."
-- Jon Stewart, "The Daily Show with Jon Stewart," on the gay marriage ban

ona_tangent, hotarugirl, buffy, cassiopia, mux, rp, week in review, mishiell, icespark, lildomino, paranoia xp

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