Mind Your Business: You Will Lose All The Rights to Your Own Art

Apr 13, 2008 23:23

Attention, Artists:

Mark Simon is mad as hell and tells you why you should be too.

From http://mag.awn.com/index.php?ltype=Columns&article_no=3605 --

Mind Your Business: You Will Lose All The Rights to Your Own Art
By Mark Simon


As you know, I usually handle the subjects in my articles with a sense of humor. That is not the case this month. I find nothing funny about the new Orphan Works legislation that is before Congress.

In fact, it PISSES ME OFF!

As an artist, you have to read this article or you could lose everything you've ever created!

An Orphaned Work is any creative work of art where the artist or copyright owner has released their copyright, whether on purpose, by passage of time, or by lack of proper registration. In the same way that an orphaned child loses the protection of his or her parents, your creative work can become an orphan for others to use without your permission.

If you don't like to read long articles, you will miss incredibly important information that will affect the rest of your career as an artist. You should at least skip to the end to find the link for a fantastic interview with the Illustrators' Partnership about how you are about to lose ownership of your own artwork.

( More... )

Edit: According to maradydd, "His article, which I linked above, is miserably poorly researched, jumps to completely illogical conclusions, and, most retardedly of all, implores artists to letterbomb Congress in protest of proposed legislation which does not actually exist." (emphasis hers) For her link-supported take on the issue, see http://maradydd.livejournal.com/374886.html

(thanks, nissinirvani!)

writing, copyfight, someone is wrong on the internet, art, politics, orphaned works, legislation, copyright

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