Title: Prompt: Due to Italy being one political unit but the cultures of the North and South being totally different, North and South Italy merge into one body, but not personality.
Title: Never were our hearts but one, and never two shall be Prompt: Instead of the unification of Italy in 1861 killing just one of the Italy brothers (like it is usually portrayed) both die. This manifests itself in organ failure(fainting spells, coughing up blood, typically depends on what organs are failing) and memory loss, which aren't
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Title: Ciao Prompt: Spain/South Italy(?) - Romano dies/dissolves, but a new and "familiar" young nation appears in his place. Clueless Spain winds up slowly getting the idea he could be Romano, though the other nation seems to not remember him (or is hiding their memories). Doesn't help that Spain is falling for the little guy either.