May 13, 2006 14:11
They just put a bunch of shows on iTunes. Want to know what's not there?
Oh, but I can't miss the latest episode of Unanimous or Stackd, can I? No, I don't need the last thirteen episodes of the sitcom that RUINED ME FOR NETWORK COMEDY.
Seriously, I can't watch sitcoms anymore. I watched an episode of Will & Grace, an episode I used to think was funny, and all I could think was "I thought this was funny?"
They have Firefly available for download. FIREFLY. But not Arrested Development, oh no, because, really, who wants three to four million overly obsessed fans downloading every single episode, just for the chance to watch them over and over and over again? I mean, that would never happen, except for the part that it TOTALLY WILL.
GAAAHHHH!!! I hate FOX, and I hate iTunes, just for good measure.