Okay so I have been thinking a lot lately about all of my medical conditions. Because I seriously have WAY too many for a girl my age. And it has been an on going thing my entire life. One of the things I did find out was that I had a learning disability called dysgraphia when I was about 15. My parents had gotten a letter in the mail from Children's hospital saying that they were finding in new studies that many children were having learning problems and speaking problems who had gone through open heart surgery as infants. My parents took me in immeadetly to a few different places to get tests. Cuz I had always been kinda a weird child, I learned things differently and I would be extremly well with some things and horrible at others no mattter how hard I tried at them.
Growing up I always kind of felt like this weird kid. I never felt like I connected with my peers and had a hard time understanding certain things. I also had an INSANE amount of imagination, some times to the point where it would cause me anxiety. I beleive that my extreme imagination could definatley be from the anesthsia I was on and morphine for months at a time as a child growing up. Plus I have had a total of 6 surgeries now all were farily long and I was under medications for a long time and for a long time after wards.
Anyways not all of these problems are gone now. I'm just starting to get more aware of them and now that I have internet again I've been doing a lot of reasearch. I found out that I got more brain damage than I thought, not just from loss of oxygen to the brain the to times I medically died, but also from them putting me into a cardiac hypothermic state, and from all of the different combinations of drugs they gave me. Including morphine, which I now have a completly high tolderance to and it has no affects on me what so ever! and also the anesthetics have proven to cause a lot of problems in people. Including the different drugs they put into it like, hallucingetics, a drug that blocks your memory, and it makes you basically brain dead and a palegic, you cant move, and I guess in many cases they found back when I was having surgery that babies and kids were waking up a lot but since they couldnt move or talk they couldnt make it aware!! isnt that freaky! and ALIA you remember me telling ou how I remember one of my surgerys?? So I guess that can cause a lot of post dramatic stress dissorder, which causes depression and anxiety and obsessive behaviors. WEIRD.
This is all kinda freaky to me but also helps a lot, it helps me understand what my body has been through and why I am the way I am now. anyways, here are a few studies I Found on some of my research, I found a lot more but I dont want to post all of it!
http://indianheartjournal.com/2001-5/IHJJulyAug04/Neurological%20Complications%20and%20Neurodevelopmental/neurological_complications_and_n.htm and
http://ats.ctsnetjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/74/2/422 I will update again more!!