Mar 16, 2009 23:21
Well last week was pretty eventful. Loved having Madison last week. But liked giving her back so think that it'll be a while for kids, slowly coming around to the idea that I'd rather wait, but even if I had one I dont think it'd bug me that much.
Feeling a lot better for some reason this week, think its because I dont have the job centre til next week, and then its an hour session :( hopefully be able to pluck up the courage to tell them that I'm on the anti-depressants and see if theres anything they can suggest.
Had a lovely weekend. Went to Kev's as usual on the friday on the saturday we went out as usual for dinner. Got a few snacks for saturday night for DvDness...then we got on about plants, and he was on about Wentworth Garden Centre. Never been. So we went. Was a bit windy but that didnt stop me getting excited at the animals in the farm bit. We walked around the gardens. Looked at the fish and pets. Looked at some AWESOME candles that are a little too expensive but are really lovely smelling. Bought Kev's mum her birthday present. Then came home.
Was really nice to get out and do something. Next week he has his car in for its service so we'll have some time to kill then too so we'll see what happens. Now the better whether is coming in we can spend more time doing something a bit better than what we're doing at the moment...which is staying in watching DvD's...managed to watch Shameless up to season 4. Only time we go out at the weekend is to eat...which is either Pizza Hut, McD's or a trip to Meadowhall for Subway and some cheapo DvD's.
Anyways...gotta get to bed ready to have Madison tomorrrow. I'll post a few pictures of her sometime, she's cute ^_^ and I didnt realise how great my camera was til I took a picture of her. She's changed since she was born though...which they all do :D
Off. Gone. Night. X