Aug 11, 2008 15:54
Things aren't great with my grandad at the moment. He had to have his chemo stopped, his blood got very weak and they had to do a transfusion and gave him two units. Since then due to his weak blood they have refused to give him anymore chemo. They've have done a scan and there has been no improvement with this course of chemo they have given him. It hasn't got bigger but it hasn't got smaller either. So they are now looking at giving him some radiotherapy but if that doesn't work or they don't feel that it will work all they can do for him is pain relief.
So. My grandad is going to die a lot quicker than I want him to. He isn't going to be able to walk me down the isle (not that thats going to happen anytime soon now anyways) so I'll be doing that walk on my own, if he can't do it no one else is. My kids wont get to see him. And I don't want him to go.
We're having a really nice storm at the moment which is reflecting my mood really nicely.