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Aug 21, 2007 00:15

Very tired from con, going to kumori in like a week, tooth hurts, getting hair dyed/trimmed tomorrow. So I was asked to do a new cosplay for kumori, we'll be working on our outfits all weekend. For the first time in over about two months I want a drink, I want to drink and ya know what? I don't feel bad about it. Just realize, I don't care if you don't like drinking, I NEVER drink around friends who don't like it, I will never get drunk or drink around people who don't like it. But ya know what? I don't tell you to drink or to try it, I don't ask why you DON'T like it, so... seriously don't ask me why I drink, don't ask me why I like it, because the only answer you'll get is "because I like it" There's nothing wrong with drinking if you do it responsibly, it's when you don't know your limits and don't know what you're like when you drink is when you have a problem. So again, yes I drink and NO, I don't give a shit if you don't like it, I have no problem with any of you NOT drinking so you shouldn't have a problem with me drinking in a contained and safe environment... get off my case, jerks.

By the way, for those of you cock sucking bastards who think I changed my major to be "kewl" well fuck off you ass licking fuck heads. I don't care who does or doesn't know that I love art, I love electronics and computers, I love design, in fact you ignorant ass fucks; I took an interior and fashion design class in high school, I took art every year I could up until my classes were chosen for me, I used to go to my grandparents house and me and grinny would watch Bob Ross, learning together how to mix and use different types of paints. I want to major in graphic design and game/simulation design because I LIKE IT... god I hate people. This wasn't aimed at anyone... just ranting.
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