A winter's song

Aug 13, 2007 04:19

I don't know if anyone actually wants to read the first part of my short story or not. But just incase anyone does here it is. If you could leave comments that would be nice, thank you.

Crystal slivers of rain fell from heaven, like tears of an angel. Each drop tinkling upon the foggy window pane, each as if a blow to the dagger already firmly thrust in her heart. How, with such a wondrous, angelic spring shower gracing her with it’s divinity, could her heart be so heavy with pain and regret? Alexia stared sullenly out her window, wiling away the hours until she drifted off to sleep. Her silky black hair a blanket against the stinging cold of night.

Within the confines of the ancient forests, Vera; ruler of the northern fairies remained locked away in her sacred chambers. No matter how hard servants pounded on her chamber door, or how much magic was used to force the door to give way, still neither the door nor the queen fairy would budge. “Majesty. Majesty, please do open your door, those of your kingdom are in need of their ruler. Without you the flowers will not bloom, the sun will not bless our kingdom with it‘s light, and all is turning to winterish night.” Without the queen fairy moving, the door opened slowly. Softly as a small bell did her voice ring out “What point is there to bring about the sun when pain consumes my body?” Lina, Vera’s oldest and dearest friend, also her chief advisor drifted silently into the chamber, leaving a fading trail of rose petals falling beneath her feet. Lina stretched out a golden hand, lightly pulling away her platinum hair, to clasp her friends pale blue shoulder. “Vera.” She whispered into her ear ‘I know you still mourn for your lost love. But to continue this neglect of your kingdom is to sentence all who dwell within to eternal sleep.” Vera swung around turning from blue to a harsh red, shooting upward with barely a movement of her golden wings “As was my love sentenced to death! Ripped away from the one who loved her, stolen from my arms! She- She was my all… my everything and now she-” Vera slowly floated back down, turning a bleak and dismal gray. Silver tears streaked her soft face as sobs wracked her body “Why?!” she choked out between gulps of air “Why should such a fate as this befall one such as her? It should have been me, it should have been me who died while she continued to live.” Lina knelt down on the cold floor beside her queen “No, my queen, no. Were you to die I could not continue to live, nor could she have, had she escaped her fate.” Each tear that hit the ground bloomed a rose of black, it’s thorns stained red. Without lifting her head Vera plucked one of the roses and pricked her finger, allowing a single drop of her sparkling blood to fall into the heart of the cheerless bloom. “As my heart does suffer so has my kingdom. So as my heart lies dormant, so shall they.” The rose suddenly disintegrated into a shining powder. The queen threw the powder upward and wafted it throughout the land, as it hit the fairies either frolicking, or tending to their duties they fell into peaceful dreams. Vera approached Lina whose tears themselves were rose petals “As caretaker of flowers I shall not allow the flowers to wilt and die. Only shall they sleep as you do, in a world of glittering snow.” Vera then kissed her eyes and laid her in her own bed. “Now away from my kingdom I shall fly, to spread the winter cold, and to find she who should melt my icy heart.”

Alexia woke slowly to the biting cold from a frozen window, remembering nothing of the dream she’d just had. All she could see was a damning future of marriage to a man she did not know, or care to meet. In this world where she was merely a pawn to her fathers whims she was powerless. She pulled herself from the windowsill and donned a light white shirt and tight black trousers, then threw on a thick white cloak. Not bothering to check if anyone was coming Alexia pulled her hood up over her face, slid out the window and onto the ledge. Quickly and easily she made her way down the side of her home to the soft snowy ground. Peering around the corner she decided it was safe to go and made her way into the forest.

Hours had past and Alexia still wandered the forest not knowing or caring where she was not noticing she had wandered out onto thin ice. Eventually she stopped and sat down believing it to be safe, she curled up on the ground and let the wind and cold carry her off to sleep.

Vera having kept watch over her beautiful fairies for centuries since she put them all to rest had herself frozen solid until she sensed a new presence in her ancient forest. The ice and snow melted away from her wings and body, Vera stretched out and fluttered her wings. She flew in the direction she believed this new body was coming from, as she reached the lake of memory she gasped seeing what she believed to be a nymph sleeping on the ice. Such a beautiful girl with tan smooth skin, long black lashes, and soft black hair. A small sound broke Vera’s entrancement, she looked downward and noticed a goblin picking up a small stone, intending to smash the ice and kill the girl as she slept. With a wave of her hand the goblin flew backwards into a boulder, killing him. However Vera had not been in time to stop the evil little thing from chucking his stone. Alexia’s small body slipped into the freezing water, floating down to the cold depths of her own painful past. Vera cried out at this sight, also at the knowledge that she could not save her while so small. She lowered her head and uttered a short spell, mist swirled around Vera’s small fairy body in a cyclone of magic, she looked upon herself, she was now big enough to save the drowning nymph, but not for long. Vera dove down into the opening in the ice and snatched the girl from what would have been her watery grave. With a powerful burst she shot out of the lake, Alexia in her arms. Another goblin investigating the ruckus came upon his fallen brother and looked to Vera “You!” he snarled and pointed at her “You queen fairy who put to rest her kingdom and chased away the sun have murdered our prince! You who posses a heart of ice would commit such a violent act of war!” Vera cleared a patch of grass, warming and drying it to lay Alexia on. She turned to the goblin “Yes I the fairy queen have killed your prince, seeing he would kill this nymph” The goblin looked to Alexia then back to Vera “You would kill our prince for this human girl?! You admit to killing our prince?” Vera flew up close to him and burst into flame “Yes I, it was I that willingly killed your prince for this girl. Who are you to judge the fairy queen?! To accuse me of murder as opposed to saving this girl as it was?! You a lowly goblin sharing my kingdom! Never have I made the distinction between the fairies and goblins but you believe your own innocent compared to other races! Begone! Before I place a curse upon your clan and sentence you to a worse fate than that of your prince.” the goblin fell back then scurried away, tripping over his large green callused feet, yelling back “You‘ve not heard the last of this! We will have retribution!”
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