
Jul 14, 2014 00:47

So how is everyone? Well, gosh, my 26th birthday is on Wednesday and that makes me feel old! So I got signed up for my fall classes, I won't be as busy that I know of, I'll still be working the same amount but I'm taking World Theater, Algebra 1, Adv Composition & Critical Thinking, and Film Appreciation. I decided to take a break from my majorly big and busy theater arts classes.

I'm trying my hand at dieting and exercising again. I know people get impatient and give up if they don't get automatic results. I know that it's going to take me awhile, I've been chubby for a good portion of my life and changing your eating habits can be hard. I mean today I had a salad and some fruit and yet I was still hungry like an hour later.

But I resisted eating popcorn and drinking soda at work. I just gotta keep my self-control in check. In other news I've been trying to get back into drawing and I've written some letters, I'm still behind. I've got my media theories project due this week for my mass communications online class. Also, watch out I'll be posting some fanmixes I did for Swan Queen Week and Valkubus Week soon.

Some of these customers at work just need to be punched in the face sometimes, mostly old ladies that are rude as heck. I think I'll watch the new Planet of the Apes movies on Thursday, I've had customers asking me how it is and I have yet to watch it but it got good reviews and apparently is really good.

Welp, I hope you're all doing well.

life, college, work, school

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