
Jun 27, 2014 23:57

Now if I can just wait another two weeks till I get paid again I can get some dental insurance, I really need to go to the dentist. I also really need to try and have better self-control when it comes to the sweets. It doesn't help working at the cinema and getting free soda and popcorn.

Also, on top of this sucky week I had my first ever fender bender. I was pulling out of my parking spot and accidentally bumped into this pretty girl dropping off her siblings. My bumper got more damage then her door, she was just upset because she just had a paint job done. We exchange information and I repeatedly apologized but it's okay.

And the big thing was I had a feeling that some sort of car accident type incident would happen today, my empathy and premonition crap is getting stronger and I know some people don't believe that stuff but it seriously plagues me. Especially the saying something someone was thinking or me thinking something and then people saying it. Or quite often me calling my mom when she was just thinking of me or vice versa.


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