So awesome it deserves it's own post. SO AWESOME
You: Hello! I am Pavel pleased to meet you
Stranger: Pavel?
Stranger: what a wicked name
You: yes Pavel Andreievich.
You: wicked as in cool? :D yes, it is a nice name
You: what is your name?
Stranger: my name?
Stranger: well...
Stranger: you seem nice, so i'll tell you my first name
Stranger: Uhura
You: Lieutenant! I hawe been looking for you!
You: but mister spock told me Uhura was not your first name
Stranger: Oh, have you?
Stranger: did i say first name? i meant surname
You: yes! we are trapped on 21st century earth and Hikaru will not leave White Castle.
You: it is okay lieutenant we are all a bit confused.
Stranger: indeed
Stranger: well...what is hikaru doing in White Castle?
Stranger: other than gorging himself on greasy 21st century foods
You: eating a "crave case". he found zis doktor from Princeton somewhere and they are eating many greasy foods, yes
Stranger: we have to get them out of there
You: it iz like he has new best friend.
Stranger: his futuristic system cannot handle those trans fats
You: Oh no!
Stranger: we long evolved to not ahve to consume fats
Stranger: he will die!
You: damn, damn!
You: how do we take heem avay?
You: he also had some thing in a little roll thing
You: like a cigarette
You: except now he sees unicorns and iz wery hungry
Stranger: oh no, that means he'll eat more
You: D:
You: help me please miss Uhura I am scared of zhe doktor friend
Stranger: well...
Stranger: urm...
Stranger: let's...
Stranger: uh...
You: ???
Stranger: fuck it, i've got some big ass phasers in the back
Stranger: let's blow the shit out of it
You: yes! we use some big ass-phasers and blow up vhite castle
Stranger: It's 21st century, i'm sure we can find an Asian guy somewhere to replace him
Stranger: nobody will know
You: nooo! we cannot kill Hikaru!
You: I would be sad
You: he is wery good helm partner
You: (and nice kisser)
You: :(
Stranger: more information than a lieutenant needs to know!
Stranger: if you're not going to help, i'll do it myself
You: yes yes but kirk says eweryone can see the puppy eyes across the console
You: no! you must not kill hikaru
Stranger: well...
You: I love him, please do not
Stranger: fine
Stranger: there's not much we can do now
Stranger: but wait...
You: ???
You: i am willing to do anything but kill him to save him
Stranger: i recall an old educational film about trans fats and cigarette-like objects...
Stranger: from the 21st century...
You: yes yes?
Stranger: what was it called...
You: I do not know american films...
Stranger: it had President Neil Patrick Harris in it...
You: NPH the president was in a mowie? I vill have to see this with Hikaru later..
Stranger: it was a film we saw in class
Stranger: very old
Stranger: and it had that Malin Akerman...
You: AH YES the eductional one about the whores in the room and then the reverse naked parties?
Stranger: but i can't remember how they got out!
Stranger: Yes, that one!
You: ah! yes
Stranger: i do not remember the end though!
You: ahh, neither do i
You: i remember zhey were eating at the place then
You: then tzhe presindent came in and paid
You: should i go pay for zhere food?
Stranger: yes!
You: then zhey could leawe and we could go pump Hikaru's stomach
You: yes yes i can do zhat
You: i can do zhat
Stranger: ooh, chekov you are just brilliant
Stranger: let us pay
You: thank you Uhura you are also wery intelligent
You: and beautiful. i can see vhy mister spock likes you.
You: :D
You: ve must go shopping some times!
Stranger: keep it in your pants, Ruskie
Stranger: let's go pay for some burgers!
You: Yes!
You: zhank you wery much miss uhura for your help
Stranger: your very welcome chekov
Stranger: now let us beam back to the 20something century from whence we came
You: I vill carry Hikaru alzoigh he is wery heawy and full of food, yo mayo.
You: i hope he vill be ohkay
Stranger: i'm sure we have some crazy medical stuff back in our time
Stranger: that should help him
You: da, hopefully ze doktor can help him.
Stranger: indeed
Stranger: ooh, look, we have been beamed back
You: da! ve will transport Hikaru, yes? he is wery heawy for me
Stranger: can't we
Stranger: beam him somewhere?
You: like vhat lieutenant?
Stranger: i thought that's what we did here in the future
You: beam him to sickbay?
Stranger: yeah, that place
You: da! yes, I am so stupid
You: i will tap in ze co-ordinates now, hold on.
You: ah, and he goes.
You: but i must leawe to hold his hand by his bedside
Stranger: go, he needs you
You: thank you for all your help, lieutenant.
Stranger: oh...i have not been honest with you
Stranger: i am not Uhura
You: ????
Stranger: i am...NEYTIRI!
Stranger: i see you
Stranger: i used skin colouring
You: and zhen insult us for killing yours!
Stranger: wait....waht?
Stranger: other way round, sky person!
You: you go "oh no, do not kill our race"
You: then you wipe us out
You: like SMOOSH
You: ants
Stranger: you know what, i've had enough of your russian antics
Stranger: *poison arrow*
You: D:>
You: you cannot kill me!
Stranger: it's okay, i killed Hikaru too
Stranger: you go to Eywah together
You: I must live to father John Connor!
You: nooooo
Stranger: wait...
Stranger: okay, three movies is too much
Stranger: it's 3:00, and i haven't had any lunch
Stranger: besides, you ARE John Connor!
You: yew started it vith your Neitari.
You: i am not batman
Stranger: quiet, peter parker
You: you are my father
Stranger: I hate snakes.
You: oh no vait same franchise
Stranger: right
Stranger: aren't you dead yet, anyways?
You: oh yes, zhere is that
You: *dead*
You: *universe implodes*
Stranger: ah shit
You: *fun times were had by all*
Stranger: indeed
Stranger: now seriously, i need a sandwich
You: You are AMAZING <3 <3 <3
Stranger: three hours talking to people on omegle...not fun...
You: Thanks for playing along though!
You: I have cookies.
Stranger: no problem, friend
You: ;D
Stranger: enjoy those
Stranger: if i never see you again, have a good life
You: The same. Dos Vidanya!
Stranger: Goodbye (in Na'vi)
FAITH IN HUMANITY = RESTORED. I want to give this person a sandwich.